Page 146 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 146

               3.  She said: “Why has David been looking so miserable lately?”

                    She asked  ...........................................................................................................................
               4.  I asked my friend: “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month?”

                    He asked my friend  ............................................................................................................
               5.  She asked me: “How old are you now ?”
                    She asked me  .....................................................................................................................

               6.  He said to her: “Have you been to town today ?”
                    She asked her  .....................................................................................................................
               7.  John said: “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary?”

                    John asked Mary  ................................................................................................................
               8.  The policeman asked the little girl: “What‟s your name?”
                    The policeman asked the little girl  ......................................................................................

               9.  Mr. Green said to his secretary: “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago?”
                    Mr. Green asked his secretary  ............................................................................................

               10. Paul said: “Can you swim, Mary?”
                    Paul asked Mary  ................................................................................................................
               11. He said: “Where can I find her in this town?”

                    He asked  ............................................................................................................................
               12. She asked her son: “Do you know which is the cup you used ?”
                    She asked her son  ...............................................................................................................

               13. Helen said: “What did you say, Jack ?”
                    Helen asked Jack  ................................................................................................................
               14. She said to him: “Why didn‟t you get up early this morning ?”

                    She asked him  ....................................................................................................................
               15. He said: “Will it rain tonight ?”

                    He asked  ............................................................................................................................
               16. “Every weekend, the astronauts can have private video-conferences with their families on the
               Earth,” Dr. Nelson said.
                    Dr. Nelson said ...................................................................................................................

               17. “Have the astronauts ever forgotten anything from the Earth?” Nick asked his teacher.
                    Nick asked his teacher .........................................................................................................

               18. “The astronauts on the ISS use a 3-D printer on board to print certain objects,” the teacher
               answered Nick.
                    The teacher told Nick  .........................................................................................................

               19. “Where can we look for life?” Nga asked Dr. Nelson .
                    Nga asked Dr. Nelson  ........................................................................................................
               20. “Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, has a large salt water ocean,” the teacher said.

                    The teacher said  .................................................................................................................

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