Page 166 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 166

                       4. You shouldn‟t trip over the step into the kitchen.

                       5. You shouldn‟t park here because it‟s a restricted area.
                       6. I should have been told about these changes earlier.

                       7. You shouldn‟t lean against the newly-painted wall.
                       8. You shouldn‟t smoke too many cigarettes.
                       9. Children should go to bed early.

                       10. You shouldn‟t stay up late.
               IV.     1. A          2. C          3. C           4. B          5. A
                       6. A          7. C          8. B           9. D          10. D

               V.      1. In Indonesia                            2. In Samoa  3. In Muslim countries
                       4. In Canada and the US                    5. In Korea
               VI.     1. His father                              2. A Christmas present

                       3. $20.00                                  4. A brooch
                       5. He wraps it in Christmas paper          6. Because she thinks she sees a real spider

                       7. Spiders are his favourite pets          8. under the Christmas tree
               VII.  1. C            2. D                         3. A          4. E
                       5. H          6. B                         7. F          8. G

               VIII.  1. C           2. A          3. C           4. B          5. A
               IX.     1. C          2. B          3. A           4. B          5. D

                                      UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES
               A. PHONETICS

               I.      1. B          2. D          3. D           4. A
               II.     1. C          2. B          3. A           4. B          5. D

               I.      1. concentration            11. application              21. consumption
                       2. composition              12. generation               22. explosion

                       3. consideration            13. obligation               23. discussion
                       4. construction             14. reflection               24. celebration

                       5. coordination             15. conversation             25. education
                       6. depression               16. organization             26. commemoration
                       7. donation                 17. comparison               27. invasion

                       8. erection                 18. attention                28. preservation
                       9. foundation               19. recognition              29. recommendation
                       10. location                20. animation                30. presentation

               IV.     1. D      2. D       3. A       4. C       5. D       6. A      7. C
                       8. B      9. D       10. C      11. A      12. B      13. A     14. B

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