Page 74 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 74

               8.  I always feel relaxed            the evening.

               9.  We went to Nha Trang             last summer.
               10. I won‟t be out so long. I‟ll be back            ten minutes.

               IV. Read the following passage, answer/ complete the questions/ statements below it.
                   Once, there was a boy named Boly. He lived with his aged grandmother in Kanchi Village. His
               grandmother always woke up very early in the morning and made little buns and cakes. She sold
               them in the market place. With the money she earned, she sent Boly to school.

                   Boly was a good boy. He was an orphan. He loved his grandmother a lot. After school, he
               always went home quickly. Then, he would have his lunch and do his homework. In the evenings,
               Boly  would  go  round  the  village  selling  the  cakes  his  grandmother  made.  Boly  and  his
               grandmother lived quite happily.

                   One day, Boly‟s grandmother fell ill. She could not make any more cakes. Boly now had to
               look for work. He went from house to house doing odd jobs.
                   It was in one of these houses that a kind gentleman asked Boly why he was working at such a
               tender age. After listening to Boly‟s story, the man said that he wanted to adopt Boly. He was
               willing to take care of Boly‟s grandmother too. From then on, Boly and his grandmother led a very
               happy life.

               1.  The phrases of words “very old” is similar to the word ......................... in the text.
               2.  Boly was living with his grandmother because ........................................................................

               3.  Boly‟s grandmother could afford to send him to school by  .....................................................
               4.  After school, Boly would immediately ....................................................................................
               5.  Boly had to look for work because...........................................................................................

               V. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
                   When a light passenger plane flew off course some time (1)          , it crashed (2)
                        the mountains and its pilot was killed. (3)              only  passengers,  a  young
               woman and her two baby daughters were unhurt. It was the (4)             of  winter.  Snow  lay
               thick (5)       the ground. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles (6)      . When
               it grew dark, she turned a suitcase (7)      a bed and put the children inside it, covering them
               (8)             all the clothes she could find. During the night, (9)      got terrible cold. The
               woman kept as near as she (10)               to the children  and even tried to  get into the case
               herself, but it was too small. Early the (11)              morning,  she  heard  planes  passing
               overhead and wondered how she could (12)                   a signal. Then she had an idea. She
               stamped out the letters “SOS” in the snow. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message
               (13)            radio to nearest town. It was not (14)            before a helicopter arrived on
               the scene and (15)             the survivors of the plane crash.

               VI. Read the following passage and complete the sentences.
                   In 1920, after some thirty - nine years of problems with disease, high costs, and politics, the
               Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing
               ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal Zone instead of traveling some seven thousand miles
               around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal

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