Page 81 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 81

               III. Read the passages and write True for (T) of False for (F).

                                                        His early life
                   George Washington was born in Virginia. His family owned a big farm and had George didn‟t
               have much education. During his life he had three jobs: he was a farmer, a soldier, and a politician.
               He loved the life of a farmer. He grew tobacco and owned horses. He worked hard but he also liked
               dancing and going to the theatre. In 1759 he married a widow called Martha Custis. They were
               happy together, but didn‟t have any children.

                                                        His later life
                   He was Commander-in-Chief of the army and fought the British in the War of Independence.
               When the war ended in 1781 he was happy to go back to the farm, but his country wanted him to be
               President. Finally, in 1789, he became President, and gave his name to the new capital city. He
               started the building of the White House, but he never lived in it. By 1797 he was tired of politics.
               He went back to his farm and died there two years later.
               1.  ____________He came from a rich family.
               2.  ____________He loved being a politician.

               3.  ____________He worked hard.
               4.  ____________He had a lot of other interests.

               5.  ____________He had a good education.
               6.  ____________He married, but didn‟t have any children.
               7.  ____________He was in office for eight years.

               8.  ____________He was happy to live and work on the farm.
               9.  ____________Finally he was tired of politics and resigned.
               10. ____________Americans loved him very much.

               IV. Read the passage and complete the sentences below.
                   A horse on board the Enterprise was perhaps the first and only horse ever to save the lives of its
               shipmates. The Enterprise was sailing for North Carolina. She carried a mixed cargo, and there
               were fifteen passengers on her. She was making good timed until at dawn, she struck something.
               Water poured into the ship. The holds were soon flooded. Frightened men and women climbed the
               rigging to save their lives. The crew tried to pump the holds out, but with no luck. Then the cargo
               caught fire. All those on board thought they would die.

                   The captain knew the coast was near. But how near? Perhaps if the horse could reach land, the
               people could, too. The horse was led to the side and pushed over. The horse did reach land. In fact,
               it almost waded ashore! The people soon followed. All were saved, thanks to a nameless horse.
               1.  There were .......................... people on the Enterprise.
               2.  The ship was wrecked at ..........................

               3.  When water poured in, the crew tried to .......................... the holds.
               4.  The horse was pushed overboard in the hope that it could ..........................
               5.  The horse got ashore almost by ..........................

               V. Read the passage then answer the questions.
                   The Youth and Young Pioneers Organization was founded in Vietnam on March 26 , 1931. It
               builds character, and encourages good citizenship and personal fitness.

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