Page 107 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 107

Relative pronouns

                           I can use the relative pronouns who, which and that in relative clauses.

          Who, which, that: subject relative pronouns

                                                       My brother will be
                                                                              We use relative pronouns (who, which, that) to combine
                                                       able to help
                                                                              two sentences. The relative clause (in green in the
              I \A,eed a -person who really
              uiÿderztavuiz. convpu-ters.                                     examples below) describes the noun before it and
                                                                              identifies which person or thing we are talking about.

                                                                              In these examples, the relative pronoun is the subject
                                                                              of the verb in the relative clause.

                                                                              The waiter was very friendly. He served us.

                                                                              The waiter who served us was very friendly.

                                                                              The school has 2,000 pupils. It is opposite my house.

                                                                              The school which is opposite my house has 2,000 pupils.

                                                                              We use who for people, and which for things or
                                                                              animals. We can use that instead of who or which; it
                                                                              means the same.
                                                                              Peter is the boy who (or that) wears red socks.
                                                                              This is the computer which (or that) doesn't work.

                Change that to who or which.                                      019.1 Join the two sentences. Complete the
                ÿ Henry is the boy that won the tennis                            second sentence using that. Listen and check.         ©
                   competition, who                                               ÿ The girl is called Sally. She plays the piano.
                1 My little brother has a toy that makes a loud                      7he girl that -plays the piaiÿo is called
                   noise. _                                                       1 I'm looking for the phone. It was on my desk.
                2 I said hello to the woman that lives next door.                    I ' m looking_
                                                                                  2 The man wasn't wearing glasses. He fell over the
                3 We're going to get the bus that leaves at ten past                 cat.
                   nine._                                                            The man that fell_
                4 He gave me an apple that didn't taste very nice.                3 We'd like to see the film. It starts at six o'clock.
                                                                                     We'd like_
                5 Mrs Evans was the teacher that helped me with                   4 The author became famous. She wrote those
                   my exam revision. _                                               novels.
                6 I put it in the folder that contains my old essays.                The author_
                                                                                  5 The glass is broken. It fell on the floor.
                                                                                     The glass_
           *  9
           * ÿ Match a-g to 1-6 and complete the sentences
                with who or which.

                   A gorilla is an animal whí&h e           O           a   . paints pictures.
                   A pilot is a person_                                 b   .  catches birds.
                   A spider is an insect_                               c   . designs buildings.
                   An architect is someone                              d   . grows food.
                   An artist is a person_                               e   .  doesn't eat meat.
                   A cat is an animal_                                 f    . has eight legs.
                   A farmer is someone_                                 g   . flies planes.

                                                                                                                             Unit 19 105
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