Page 65 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 65

I:- 9 Complete the sentences with will for predictions              11 012.3 Listen to the dialogue and write the
                or shall for offers and suggestions.                              missing words. Use will and the verbs in the box, O
                ÿ 'What do you want to do?' '.shall we go to the                  and a pronoun if necessary.

                   cinema?  '
                                                                                     be buy find get have to make
                1 'We're going to the beach.' '_I need                               need need rain take try
                   suncream?  '
                                                                                  Dad      It's a beautiful day today. Shall we go for a
                2 'We haven't got any bread." '_I buy some?'
                                                                                           walk in the mountains?
                3 'I'm hungry.' '_I make you a sandwich?'
                4 '_we arrive soon?' 'Yes, in about five                          Toby     That's a great idea. What do I need?
                   minutes  '                                                     Dad      Y ou ll \A,ttd your boots, of course.
                5 'Do you want fish or chicken?''_we have
                                                                                  Toby     OK.,-them. But I think they
                                                                                           may be dirty.
                6           I enjoy this film?' 'I think so.'
                                                                                  Dad      Well,2_                 clean them quickly.
                7           we take the bus?' 'Yes  That will be
                   quicker. '                                                     Toby     OK, I'll do that.
                8          we hear the phone? The music s very                    Dad      3                 the rucksacks - and I'l
                   loud.                                                                   take waterproof jackets, too. It probably
                                                                                            _, but you never know in
           1 C Read the sentences. What is the use of will in
          *                                                                                the mountains.
                each sentence? Match the sentences 1-9 to the
                                                                                  Toby     5                  some food?
                uses a-e.
                                                                                  Dad      Yes, we will.
                   This bag is heavy.' Til carry it for you.'  b
                                                                                  Toby     OK.f_             _ _  some sandwiches
                1 'Can I have your homework?' 'I'll bring it
                2 Beth will know the answer. She knows                            Dad Good, and I                         some
                   everything! _                                                           chocolate at the shop on the way.
                3 'I haven't got my wallet.' iNo problem. I'll buy the            Toby     How about water? It's hot today.
                                                                                  Dad      You're right.f-two big
                4 'What should I do?' 'Talk to your parents.They'll                        bottles. And don't forget your hat or you'l
                   help you.'_                                                             get sunburnt! OK.i_ready
                5 My parents won't buy me a new phone. They say                            in fifteen minutes?
                   I don't need one. _
                                                                                  Toby     10 _ |
                6 'Can you keep a secret?' 'Of course. I won't tell
                   anyone.  _                                                 12
                                                                            *               How will schools be different in the
                7 I've tried everything, but he won't listen to me.
                                                                                            future? Work in pairs and take turns to
                                                                                            make predictions. Use the words below
                8 You can use Kim's pen. She won"t mind. _
                                                                                            or your own ideas.
                9 'Where's Emily?' 'I don't know. I'll phone her.'  _
                a a decision at the time of speaking                               do            English
                b an offer                                                         learn
                c a promise                                                        need
                d a refusal                                                        study
                e a prediction based on a guess                                    use

                                                                                    i thit/Ue students will do eÿavÿs. oia, covwputters.

                                                                                                    yes, i agree, aiÿd they -probably
                                                                                                    woi/v't use aÿy textbooks.

                                                                                                                             Unit 12 63
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