Page 97 - Our Discovery Island 2 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 97

              trt:l.r i:.liii$                                 .4r$i3*
              jtill,  i:'jlil.ll'

           ffifu         Listen.

                 ffiw2                                               ffiw

                 kg      Listen, poinl, ond soy.

                 fu      Listen ond blend the sounds.

             I  ow* I            owl                            2     n   *ow              now

                                                                                                                     .1,,  ,'.
             3  c      *ow       cow                            4     d   *ow*             down

             s  b -oy  boy                                      6 t -oy                    toy

             7  j  -oy  joy                                     8     c   *ow*           - oy  cowboy

            r' '-. ,..
           i,  ,\ {,,*ffi  Underline ow ond oy. Reod the words oloud.
             r  boy                            2 owl                             3 toy

                       ,@                                                                      ffiM
                ,        ,.'d:   .i'
                          ffi                                                                  W

                          f i

             4 cow                                                               6 down
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