Page 117 - Family and Friends 3 Class Book full_Neat
P. 117

1 took of the picture. How do gou think the peopl.e

           Anne felt nervous  qs    she entered the clqssroom.  Just   lost geor, she wqs  student      qnd
           now she wqs  teqcher. It wos strqnge to be on the          .other  side of the teqcher's desk.
           The children were reodg for lessons to begin. Anne hqd o speech to give the children
            qbout  hetping qnd   leorning, but now she could not remember one word of it.
            "Pleose  toke gour books out," she sqid.$7hile  the children opened their desks ond took
            out their books, Anne looked ot them  qll. Most of the children looked cheerful, but o few
     iji    seemed unfriendlg.

     :i{    The dog possed quicklg. Loter, Anne couldn't remember it verg well. It wos like  q           dreqm.
     * I    She listened to the children reod, she helped them with sums ond she set them exercises.
     iii    Onlg two of the children were noughtg. The first wos Morleg Andrews. He took out his
     iif    two pet grosshoppers  during the lesson. The second wos Anthong  Pge. He poured  q              few
      ., -   drops of wo.ter down Aureliq Clog's neck. Anne mqde Morleg stqnd ot the front of the
     iii    clqss for on hour  qnd   she kept Anthong in ot breok to tqlk to him obout good monners.

     ii!    At the end of the dog, the children left ond Anne pocked up her things. She felt tired          qnd
     }ii    q little bit sod. She didn't know if she liked teoching  qfter    oll. She locked the school door
            qnd  storted to wolk home. At the bottom of the hill she met one of the bogs from her
     ill    closs. He gove her o smoll bunch of wild flowers.
      ,:    "I come bock to give    Uou  these," he soid. "I thought gou might like them. And I like gou,
     *,,3   teqcher." Anne took the flowers qnd      smiled. "Thqnk gour" she sqid. "Theg're bequtiful."
            Suddenlg Anne didn't feel tired ot ol1. She wqs hoppU ond hopeful.

       2 Reod ond motch the sentence hotves.

         L Anne wos nervous  becouse         E                       he took out his pet grosshoppers  during
         2 Anne mode o bog stond otthefront                          the Lesson.

            becorr.    !                                          b it wos her   first  dog os o teocher.

         3 Anne wos o Little bit sod becouse [--]                 c she didn't know if she Liked teoching.

              Extensive  reoding:  The firsf doy of school
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