Page 96 - Family and Friends 3 Class Book full_Neat
P. 96
3 Look ot the picture. Whot kind of vehicle is this?
Is this the cor of the future? The developerl;
The M-400 Skycor is o flying cor, but d
you don't need to be o pilot to fly it.
It is eosy to drive, becouse the
controls ore like the controls in
o cor. The cor olso hos o
computer to help the driver.
The driver con tell the computer
whot direction they wont to in : ,
computer controls the cor. t'
The cor con hold four people, but there ore plons
for o single-seot ond o six-seot version of the
vehicle. The cor is smoll enough to keep in o goroge ond will
use the some omount of fuel os o lorge cor. The cor mokes o lot
of noise when it tokes off, but the noise doesn't lost for long, becouse the cor
climbs into the oir very quickly. The cor con fly ot very high speeds ond it con
olso move on the ground for short distonces. At the moment, the cor is very
expensive. lt costs obout 51 million, but the developers ore plonning to use
cheoper engines to moke the cor eosier to offord. They wont the cor to be
the some price os o normol lorge, comfortoble cor. But the best news is thot
the cor uses ethonol ond woter insteod of petrol, so it doesn't pollute the oir.
The developers expect the Skycor to be reody in 2012.
4 Reod ond write f (true) or F (
L The Skgcor con trovet on Lond. _ 2 The Skgcor uses petrol. _
3 A computer controls the cor. 4 The cor con hotd five people. _
5 Ask ond onswer.
L Do gou think the Skgcor is the cor of the future?
2 Whot's Uour fovourite wog to trovel?
Extensive reoding: M-4OO Skycor