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‫لجنة الفلسفة وعلم الاجتماع والانثروبولوجيا‬        ‫المجلس الأعلى للثقافة‬

   tional and European identity in                                                       ‫مجلــــــــــــــــة‬
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98	-Kivisto, Peter, and Thomas                      Psychology 48, no. 5 (2013),pp.
Faist. Citizenship: discourse, the-                 859-860.
ory, and transnational prospects.
John Wiley & Sons, 2009.p.122                    90	-Osler, Audrey, and Hugh Starkey.
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101	-Harty, Siobhán, and Michael                 93	-Abowitz, Kathleen Knight, and Ja-
Murphy. In defence of multination-                  son Harnish. "Contemporary dis-
al citizenship. University of Wales                 courses of citizenship." Review
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102	-Turner, Bryan S. "Classical soci-
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   cal defence of the social." The Brit-            citizenship: membership and rights
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                                                 95	-Ibid,.p.21.

                                                 96	-Abowitz, Kathleen Knight,
                                                 and Jason Harnish. "Contempo-
                                                 rary discourses of citizenship, op.

                                                 97	-Medrano, Juan Díez, and Paula
                                                    Gutiérrez. "Nested identities: na-

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