Page 161 - UK Regulation Part 21 Initial Airworthiness Annex I (consolidated) March 2022
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                                           1. Scope of work
                                              This design organisation approval has been granted for:
                                                -  designing minor changes to type design or minor repairs to [aircraft, engine,
                                                 propeller] in accordance with the applicable CS and environmental protection
                                                -  demonstrating and verifying the compliance with these CS and environmental
                                                 protection requirements.
                                           2. Category of products
                                              Any other indication if the CAA has found a limitation related to aircraft systems or
                                              technologies and reducing the scope as defined in paragraph 1.
                                           3. Privileges
                                              The holder of this approval is entitled to list the privileges granted with the approval,
                                              pursuant to 21.A.263(c)(1) and (2).
             21.A.253                Changes to the terms of approval
                                      Each change to the terms of approval shall be approved by the CAA. An application for a change to
                                      the terms of approval shall be made in a form and manner established by the CAA. The design
                                      organisation shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Subpart.
             21.A.253 AMC1-ELA       Changes to the terms of approval
                                      An application for an approval of changes to the terms of approval should be filed by the applicant
                                      using CAA Form 82.
             21.A.257                Investigations
                                          (a) The design organisation shall make arrangements that allow the CAA to make any
                                              investigations, including investigations of partners and subcontractors, necessary to
                                              determine compliance and continued compliance with the applicable requirements of this
                                          (b) The design organisation shall allow the CAA to review any report and make any inspection
                                              and perform or witness any flight and ground test necessary to check the validity of the
                                              compliance statements submitted by the applicant under point 21.A.239(b).
             21.A.257 GM1-ELA        Investigations – Arrangements
                                      Investigations by the CAA may include enquiries, questions, discussions, explanations and
                                      inspections of products that are developed under the scope of approval of the DOA.
                                      The design organisation should assist the CAA in its investigations by providing appropriate means to
                                      allow the CAA to perform these inspections and audits, such as meeting rooms and office support.
                                      If design partners or subcontractors fulfil nominated functions within the DO, for example as CVEs,
                                      the organisation should coordinate access to the subcontractor, when it is explicitly requested by the
                                      CAA on a specific subject.
                                      Any failure to allow the CAA access to facilities to conduct investigations will be classified as a level 1
             21.A.257(a) GM          Investigations
                                      Arrangements that allow the CAA to make investigations include the complete design organisation
                                      including partners, sub-contractors and suppliers, whether they are in the State of the applicant or not,
                                      assisting and co-operating with the CAA in performing inspections and audits conducted during initial
                                      assessment and subsequent surveillance.
                                      Assistance to the CAA includes all appropriate means associated with the facilities of the design
                                      organisation to allow the CAA to perform these inspections and audits, such as a meeting room and
                                      office support.
             21.A.258                Findings
                                          (a) When, during the investigations referred to in points 21.A.257 and 21.B.100, objective
                                              evidence is found demonstrating non-compliance of the holder of a design organisation
                                              approval with the applicable requirements of this Annex, the finding shall be classified as
                                               1.  a “level 1” finding is any non-compliance with the requirements of this Annex that
                                                 may lead to uncontrolled non-compliances with applicable requirements and affect
                                                 the safety of the aircraft;
                                               2.  a “level 2” finding is any non-compliance with the requirements of this Annex that is
                                                 not classified as a “level 1” finding.
                                          (b) A level three finding is any item where it has been identified, by objective evidence, to
                                              contain potential problems that could lead to a non-compliance under point (a).
                                          (c) After receipt of notification of findings under the applicable administrative procedures
                                              established by the CAA:
                                               1.  in the case of a “level 1” finding, the holder of a design organisation approval shall
                                                 demonstrate to the satisfaction of the CAA that it has taken adequate corrective
                                                 action within a period of no more than 21 working days after written confirmation of
                                                 the finding;
                                               2.  in the case of a “level 2” findings, the holder of a design organisation approval shall
                                                 demonstrate to the satisfaction of the CAA that it has taken adequate corrective
                                                 action within a time period set by the CAA which is appropriate to the nature of the
                                                 finding and is initially no longer than three months. The CAA may extend that initial
                                                 time period where it considers that the nature of the finding allows such extension
                                                 and where the applicant has submitted a corrective action plan which the CAA finds
                                                 satisfactory; and
                                               3.  a “level 3” finding shall not require immediate action by the holder of a design
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