Page 217 - UK Regulation Part 21 Initial Airworthiness Annex I (consolidated) March 2022
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             21.B.220                Investigation
                                          (a)  The CAA shall appoint a production organisation approval team for each applicant, or
                                              holder of, a production organisation approval to conduct all relevant tasks related to this
                                              production organisation approval, consisting of a team leader to manage and lead the
                                              approval team and, if required, one or more team members. The team leader shall report
                                              to the manager responsible for the activity as defined in point 21.B.25(b)(2).
                                          (b)  The CAA shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a
                                              production organisation approval to justify recommendations for the issuance,
                                              maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the approval.
                                          (c)  The CAA shall prepare procedures for the investigation of a production organisation
                                              approval as part of the documented procedures covering at least the following elements:
                                               1. evaluation of applications received;
                                               2. determination of production organisation approval team;
                                               3. investigation preparation and planning;
                                               4. evaluation of the documentation (production organisation exposition, procedures,
                                               5. auditing;
                                               6. follow up of corrective actions;
                                               7. recommendation for issuance, amendment, suspension or revocation of production
                                                  organisation approval;
                                               8. continued surveillance.
             21.B.220 GM1-ELA        Investigation
                                      The AMC indicated with ‘AMC-ELA’ and the GM related to them (as indicated with ‘GM-ELA’), provide
                                      an alternative set of AMC and GM to the other available AMC and GM.
                                      The AMC-ELA provide acceptable means to meet the requirements for small, non-complex
                                      organisations that produce aircraft as specified in AMC ELA No 1 to 21.A.131.
             21.B.220(a) GM          Investigation team
                                           1.  Type of Team
                                              Where the applicant is located in another State, the CAA should appoint a production
                                              organisation approval team (POAT) leader and members appropriate to the nature and
                                              scope of the applicant’s organisation.
                                              Where the facilities of the applicant are located in more than one State, the CAA of the
                                              country of manufacture should liaise with the other involved competent authorities to
                                              agree and appoint a POAT leader and members appropriate to the nature and scope of
                                              the applicant’s organisation.
                                           2.  Team leader selection
                                              The team leader should satisfy all of the criteria for a team member and will be selected
                                              by considering the following additional criteria:
                                               a) the capability to lead and manage a team
                                               b) the capability to prepare reports and be diplomatic
                                               c) experience in approval team investigations (not necessarily only Part 21 Section A
                                                  Subpart G)
                                               d) a knowledge of production and quality systems for aircraft and related products and
                                           3.  Team member selection
                                              The team leader should agree with the CAA on the size of the POA team and the
                                              specialisations to be covered taking into account the scope of work and the
                                              characteristics of the applicant. Team members should be selected by considering the
                                              following criteria:
                                                -  training, which is mandatory, for Part 21 Section A, Subpart G and Section B,
                                                  Subpart G
                                                -  education and experience, to cover appropriate aviation knowledge, audit practices
                                                  and approval procedures
                                                -  the ability to verify that an applicant’s organisation conforms to its own POA
                                                  procedures, and that its key personnel are competent.
             21.B.220(a) GM1-ELA     Investigation team
                                           1.  Type of team
                                              When appointing a production organisation approval team (POAT), it is important for the
                                              member(s) of that team to have a very good understanding of the organisational
                                              processes, as well as of the nature and the established manufacturing practices for
                                              products that are within the scope of work of the applicant.
                                              The AMCELA of Section A of Subpart G for production organisations substantially relies on
                                              product conformity and uses, if possible, existing quality management systems. The team
                                              should, therefore, be familiar with:
                                              (a) conducting product conformity audits;
                                              (b) alternative quality management systems that are typically applied by companies
                                                  that produce light aeroplanes, such as ISO 9001, EN 9100, ASTM F2972, or similar
                                              (c) the typical practices used for the production of light aeroplanes and the related
                                                  products and parts.
                                              If the team is not able to cover all the aspects of the product that are considered to be
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