Page 26 - UK Regulation Part 21 Initial Airworthiness Annex I (consolidated) March 2022
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                                      See AMC 21.A.15(b)(5) for the determination of the compliance demonstration items (CDIs).
                                      21.A.15(b)(6) on information relevant for the determination of the level of involvement (LoI)
                                      The applicant should provide sufficient detailed information about the novelty, complexity, and criticality
                                      aspects of each proposed CDI.
                                      It is recommended to provide this information at the level of each CAA panel or discipline affected by a
                                      proposed CDI. Further interpretative material on the necessary level of details is provided in AMC
                                      21.B.100(a) and 21.A.15(b)(6).
                                      The applicant should provide detailed information about the proposed means of compliance with the
                                      applicable requirements identified under 21.A.15(b)(4). The information provided should be sufficient
                                      for the CAA to determine its (initial) LoI. This should include the following, as far as this information is
                                      available at the time of submission to the CAA:
                                          33. a compliance checklist addressing each requirement, the proposed means of compliance
                                             (see Appendix A to AMC 21.A.15(b) below for the relevant codes), and the related
                                             compliance document(s);
                                          34. identification of industry standards (Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American
                                             Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), European Organisation for Civil Aviation
                                             Equipment (EUROCAE), AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD),
                                             etc.), methodology documents, handbooks, technical procedures, technical documents
                                             and specifications specified in the type certificate data sheet, certification memoranda,
                                             policy statements, guidance material, etc., that should be followed in the demonstration of
                                          35. when the compliance demonstration involves testing, a description of the ground and flight
                                             test article(s), test method(s), test location(s), test schedule, test house(s), test conditions
                                             (e.g. limit load, ultimate load), as well as of the intent/objective(s) of the testing; and
                                          36. when the compliance demonstration involves analyses/calculations, a
                                             description/identification of the tools (e.g. name and version/release of the software
                                             programs) and methods used, the associated assumptions, limitations and/or conditions,
                                             programs) and methods used, the associated assumptions, limitations and/or conditions,
                                             as well as of the intended use and purpose; furthermore, the validation and verification of
                                             such tools and methods should be addressed.
                                      For every aspect mentioned above, the applicant should clearly identify whether the demonstration of
                                      compliance involves any method (analysis or test) which is novel or unusual for the applicant. This
                                      should include any deviations from the published AMC to the relevant CS.
             21.A.15(b) APPA to AMC  Appendix A to AMC 21.A.15(b) Means of compliance codes

             21.A.15(b)(5) AMC       Breakdown of the certification programme into compliance demonstration items (CDIs)
                                          1.  What is a CDI?
                                             A CDI is a meaningful group of compliance demonstration activities and data identified in
                                             the certification programme which can be considered in isolation for the purpose of
                                             performing the risk assessment that allows the CAA to determine its level of involvement
                                             (LoI) using a riskbased approach.
                                             The possibility to create this grouping of compliance demonstration activities and data is
                                             intended to facilitate the risk assessment. However, there may be cases in which the risk
                                             assessment may also be performed at the level of the compliance demonstration activity
                                             or data, or at the level of the whole certification project.
                                             The chosen breakdown into CDIs may affect the resulting risk classes (please refer to
                                             AMC 21.B.100(a) and 21.A.15(b)(6)), but should not have any effect on the compliance
                                             demonstration itself or on the CAA’s LoI.
                                          2.  The grouping of compliance demonstration activities and data
                                             The compliance demonstration activities and data grouped in a CDI may demonstrate
                                             compliance with a requirement, a group of requirements, or even a part of a requirement.
                                             In this context, ‘requirement’ means any element of the typecertification basis or
                                             operational suitability data (OSD) certification basis as specified in 21.B.80 and 21.B.82, or
                                             the environmental protection requirements as specified in 21.B.85.
                                             A CDI may comprise any of the means of compliance listed in Appendix A to AMC
                                             CDIs may be tailored to the scope and size of the project. On simple projects, a CDI may
                                             address all the compliance demonstration activities within a given technical area (e.g.
                                             avionics, flight, structures, hydromechanical systems, OSDcabin crew data (CCD), etc.)
                                             or of the whole project.
                                             A CDI should not be too large, by combining completely unrelated compliance
                                             demonstration activities or data, so that it becomes meaningless, but neither should it be
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