Page 344 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 344

Part CAT - ANNEX IV - Commercial Air Transport Operations

             CAT.POL.H.310(c) &      GM1 CAT.POL.H.310(c) & CAT.POL.H.325(c) Take-off and landing
                                          (a)  Factors to be considered when taking off from or landing on a helideck
                                              (1) In order to take account of the considerable number of variables associated with
                                                  the helideck environment, each take-off and landing may require a slightly different
                                                  profile. Factors such as helicopter mass and centre of gravity, wind velocity,
                                                  turbulence, deck size, deck elevation and orientation, obstructions, power margins,
                                                  platform gas turbine exhaust plumes etc., will influence both the take-off and
                                                  landing. In particular, for the landing, additional considerations such as the need for
                                                  a clear go-around flight path, visibility and cloud base, etc. will affect the
                                                  commander’s decision on the choice of landing profile. Profiles may be modified,
                                                  taking account of the relevant factors noted above and the characteristics of
                                                  individual helicopter types.
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