Page 568 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 568

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                     23. Otfler relevant information (including suspected cause, any acti-On taken):

                                     24. Name and t it le of person making repon:   25. Telephone No:

                                     26. Company:               27.  Reporters ref:

                                     28. Addres.s:              29. Signature:

                                                                30. Date:

                                     Description of tfle ooct1rreoce (continuation)

                     Reference       Description  SUBPART B OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES (NCC.OP)
             NCC.OP.100              Use of aerodromes and operating sites
                                      The operator shall only use aerodromes and operating sites that are adequate for the type of aircraft
                                      and operation concerned.
             NCC.OP.100 AMC1         Use of aerodromes and operating sites
                                      USE OF OPERATING SITES
                                          (a) The pilot-in-command should have available from a pre-survey or other publication, for
                                              each operating site to be used, diagrams or ground and aerial photographs, depiction
                                              (pictorial) and description of:
                                              (1)  the overall dimensions of the operating site;
                                              (2)  location and height of relevant obstacles to approach and take-off profiles and in the
                                                 manoeuvring area;
                                              (3)  approach and take-off flight paths;
                                              (4)  surface condition (blowing dust/snow/sand);
                                              (5)  provision of control of third parties on the ground (if applicable);
                                              (6)  lighting, if applicable;
                                              (7)  procedure for activating the operating site in accordance with national regulations, if
                                              (8)  other useful information, for example details of the appropriate ATS agency and
                                                 frequency; and
                                              (9)  site suitability with reference to available aircraft performance.
                                          (b) Where the operator specifically permits operation from sites that are not pre-surveyed, the
                                              pilot- in-command should make, from the air, a judgement on the suitability of a site. At
                                              least (a)(1) to (a)(6) inclusive and (a)(9) should be considered.
             NCC.OP.100 GM1          Use of aerodromes and operating sites
                                      ‘Other publication’ mentioned in AMC1 NCC.OP.100 refers to publication means, such as:
                                          (a)  civil as well as military aeronautical information publication;
                                          (b) visual flight rules (VFR) guides;
                                          (c) commercially available aeronautical publications; and
                                          (d) non-commercially available publications.
             NCC.OP.105              Specification of isolated aerodromes — aeroplanes
                                      For the selection of alternate aerodromes and the fuel policy, the operator shall consider an
                                      aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome if the flying time to the nearest adequate destination alternate
                                      aerodrome is more than:
                                          (a) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, 60 minutes; or
                                          (b) for aeroplanes with turbine engines, 90 minutes.
             NCC.OP.110              Aerodrome operating minima — general
                                          (a) For instrument flight rules (IFR) flights the operator shall establish aerodrome operating
                                              minima for each departure, destination and alternate aerodrome to be used. Such minima
                                              (1)  not be lower than those established by the State in which the aerodrome is located,
                                                 except when specifically approved by that State; and
                                              (2)  when undertaking low visibility operations, be approved by the CAA in accordance
                                                 with Annex V (Part SPA), Subpart E to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
                                          (b) When establishing aerodrome operating minima, the operator shall take the following into
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