Page 610 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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  ~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                    Centrik

                                      CONTAMINATED RUNWAY PERFORMANCE DATA
                                      Wet and contaminated runway performance data, if made available by the manufacturer, should be
                                      taken into account. If such data is not made available, the operator should account for wet and
                                      contaminated runway conditions by using the best information available.
             NCC.POL.125 AMC3        Take-off — aeroplanes
                                      ADEQUATE MARGIN
                                      The adequate margin should be defined in the operations manual.
             NCC.POL.125 GM1         Take-off — aeroplanes
                                      RUNWAY SURFACE CONDITION
                                      Operation on runways contaminated with water, slush, snow or ice implies uncertainties with regard
                                      to runway friction and contaminant drag and therefore to the achievable performance and control of
                                      the aeroplane during take-off or landing, since the actual conditions may not completely match the
                                      assumptions on which the performance information is based. In the case of a contaminated runway,
                                      the first option for the pilot-in-command is to wait until the runway is cleared. If this is impracticable,
                                      he/she may consider a take-off or landing, provided that he/she has applied the applicable
                                      performance adjustments, and any further safety measures he/she considers justified under the
                                      prevailing conditions. The excess runway length available including the criticality of the overrun area
                                      should also be considered.
             NCC.POL.125 GM2         Take-off — aeroplanes
                                      ADEQUATE MARGIN
                                      ‘An adequate margin’ is illustrated by the appropriate examples included in Attachment C to ICAO
                                      Annex 6, Part I.
             NCC.POL.130             En-route — one engine inoperative — aeroplanes
                                      The pilot-in-command shall ensure that in the event of an engine becoming inoperative at any point
                                      along the route, a multi-engined aeroplane shall be able to continue the flight to an adequate
                                      aerodrome or operating site without flying below the minimum obstacle clearance altitude at any
             NCC.POL.135             Landing — aeroplanes
                                      The pilot-in-command shall ensure that at any aerodrome or operating site, after clearing all
                                      obstacles in the approach path by a safe margin, the aeroplane shall be able to land and stop, or a
                                      seaplane to come to a satisfactorily low speed, within the landing distance available. Allowance shall
                                      be made for expected variations in the approach and landing techniques, if such allowance has not
                                      been made in the scheduling of performance data.
             NCC.POL.135 AMC1        Landing — aeroplanes
                                      The following should be considered to ensure that an aeroplane is able to land and stop, or a
                                      seaplane to come to a satisfactorily low speed, within the landing distance available:
                                          (a)  the pressure altitude at the aerodrome;
                                          (b)  the runway surface condition and the type of runway surface;
                                          (c)  the runway slope in the direction of landing;
                                          (d)  not more than 50 % of the reported head-wind component or not less than 150 % of the
                                              reported tailwind component; and
                                          (e)  use of the most favourable runway, in still air;
                                           (f) use of the runway most likely to be assigned considering the probable wind speed and
                                              direction and the ground handling characteristics of the aeroplane, and considering other
                                              conditions such as landing aids and terrain.
             NCC.POL.135 AMC2        Landing — aeroplanes
                                      The allowances should be stated in the operations manual.

                                     SUBPART D INSTRUMENTS, DATA AND EQUIPMENT (NCC.IDE)
                     Reference       Description
             NCC.IDE.A.100           Instruments and equipment — general
                                          (a)  Instruments and equipment required by this Subpart shall be approved in accordance with
                                              the applicable airworthiness requirements if they are:
                                              (1) used by the flight crew to control the flight path;
                                              (2) used to comply with NCC.IDE.A.245;
                                              (3) used to comply with NCC.IDE.A.250; or
                                              (4) installed in the aeroplane.
                                          (b)  The following items, when required by this Subpart, do not need an equipment approval:
                                              (1) spare fuses;
                                              (2) independent portable lights;
                                              (3) an accurate time piece;
                                              (4) chart holder;
                                              (5) first-aid kits;
                                              (6) survival and signalling equipment;
                                              (7) sea anchor and equipment for mooring; and
                                              (8) child restraint device.
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