Page 680 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 680

  ~          Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
                                                     MLS or a stabilised approach (SAp), the MAPt associated with an ILS or MLS
                                                     procedure without glide path (GP-out procedure) or the SAp, where
                                                     applicable, should be used.
                                              (2)  If a prescribed missed approach is published for the circling manoeuvre, this
                                                 overrides the manoeuvres prescribed below.
                                              (3)  If visual reference is lost while circling to land after the aeroplane has departed from
                                                 the initial instrument approach track, the missed approach specified for that
                                                 particular instrument approach should be followed. It is expected that the pilot will
                                                 make an initial climbing turn toward the intended landing runway to a position
                                                 overhead of the aerodrome where the pilot will establish the aeroplane in a climb on
                                                 the instrument missed approach segment.
                                              (4)  The aeroplane should not leave the visual manoeuvring (circling) area, which is
                                                 obstacle protected, unless:
                                                   (i) established on the appropriate missed approach procedure; or
                                                  (ii)  at minimum sector altitude (MSA).
                                              (5)  All turns should be made in the same direction and the aeroplane should remain
                                                 within the circling protected area while climbing either:
                                                   (i) to the altitude assigned to any published circling missed approach
                                                     manoeuvre if applicable;
                                                  (ii)  to the altitude assigned to the missed approach of the initial instrument
                                                  (iii) to the MSA;
                                                  (iv) to the minimum holding altitude (MHA) applicable for transition to a holding
                                                     facility or fix, or continue to climb to an MSA; or
                                                  (v)  as directed by ATS.
                                                 When the missed approach procedure is commenced on the ‘downwind’ leg of the
                                                 circling manoeuvre, an ‘S’ turn may be undertaken to align the aeroplane on the
                                                 initial instrument approach missed approach path, provided the aeroplane remains
                                                 within the protected circling area.
                                                 The pilotincommand should be responsible for ensuring adequate terrain clearance
                                                 during the abovestipulated manoeuvres, particularly during the execution of a
                                                 missed approach initiated by ATS.
                                              (6)  Because the circling manoeuvre may be accomplished in more than one direction,
                                                 different patterns will be required to establish the aeroplane on the prescribed
                                                 missed approach course, depending on its position at the time visual reference is
                                                 lost. In particular, all turns are to be in the prescribed direction if this is restricted,
                                                 e.g. to the west/east (left or right hand) to remain within the protected circling area.
                                              (7)  If a missed approach procedure is published for a particular runway onto which the
                                                 aeroplane is conducting a circling approach and the aeroplane has commenced a
                                                 manoeuvre to align with the runway, the missed approach for this direction may be
                                                 accomplished. The ATS unit should be informed of the intention to fly the published
                                                 missed approach procedure for that particular runway.
                                              (8)  The pilot-in-command should advise ATS when any missed approach procedure
                                                 has been commenced, the height/altitude the aeroplane is climbing to and the
                                                 position the aeroplane is proceeding towards and/or heading the aeroplane is
                                                 established on.
             NCO.OP.113              Aerodrome operating minima — onshore circling operations with helicopters
                                      The MDH for an onshore circling operation with helicopters shall not be lower than 250 ft and the
                                      meteorological visibility not less than 800 m.
             NCO.OP.115              Departure and approach procedures — aeroplanes and helicopters
                                          (a) The pilot-in-command shall use the departure and approach procedures established by
                                              the State of the aerodrome, if such procedures have been published for the runway or
                                              FATO to be used.
                                          (b) The pilot-in-command may deviate from a published departure route, arrival route or
                                              approach procedure:
                                              (1)  provided obstacle clearance criteria can be observed, full account is taken of the
                                                 operating conditions and any ATC clearance is adhered to; or
                                              (2)  when being radar-vectored by an ATC unit.
             NCO.OP.116              Performance-based navigation — aeroplanes and helicopters
                                      The pilot-in-command shall ensure that, when PBN is required for the route or procedure to be flown:
                                          (a) the relevant PBN navigation specification is stated in the AFM or other document that has
                                              been approved by the certifying authority as part of an airworthiness assessment or is
                                              based on such approval; and
                                          (b) the aircraft is operated in conformance with the relevant navigation specification and
                                              limitations in the AFM or other document mentioned above.
             NCO.OP.116 AMC1         Performance-based navigation — aeroplanes and helicopters
                                      PBN OPERATIONS
                                      For operations where a navigation specification for performance-based navigation (PBN) has been
                                      prescribed and no specific approval is required in accordance with SPA.PBN.100, the pilot-in-
                                      command should:
                                          (a) use operating procedures specifying:
                                              (1)  normal, abnormal and contingency procedures;
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