Page 746 - UK Air Operations Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 746

~          Regulation SPO - ANNEX VIII - Specialised Operations                                              n trik

                                              2.  The initial report should be dispatched unless exceptional circumstances prevent
                                                 this. This occurrence report form, duly completed, should be sent as soon as
                                                 possible, even if all the information is not available.
                                              3.  Copies of all relevant documents and any photographs should be attached to this
                                              4.  Any further information, or any information not included in the initial report, should be
                                                 sent as soon as possible to the authorities identified in SPO.GEN.150(e).
                                              5.  Providing it is safe to do so, all dangerous goods, packaging, documents, etc.
                                                 relating to the occurrence should be retained until after the initial report has been
                                                 sent to the authorities identified in SPO.GEN.150(e), and they have indicated
                                                 whether or not these should continue to be retained.
                                      DANGEROUS GOODS OCCURRENCE REPORT   OGORNo:
                                      l . Operator:   12. Date of Cl<rurrenc.-  3. Local time of
                                      4. Fl~t date:          ~. Re...ved·

                                      6. Oepam..-e aerodrome~   7. Oernnanon aerodrome·
                                      8. At craft ll'P"-     9. Aircraft r,gistradon.

                                      10. t.ocatiOl"I of occurrentt.   lL origin O! tl\e good,.

                                      12. ~01puon or tnc OCCl.a'1'tnce, lnduding dtt111ils of il'IJUl"Y,  C1.1Jm21g~ etc..
                                      frf oece5x1ry <Ofltinue on the rei."erie of thii form)·
                                      13. ~per shlpplne name (ll"ICludine me cecnliatl name 1:   14. UN/IDNo
                                                                          {wtien tnownl:
                                      lS.Oass/[)ivri:lon (Wl"ll:I\   16.SLJl><)ajOl'/ ri<"l•i   17. Pao:Jne group.   18. Category
                                      known):                             (Oa5S 7 only);

                                      19  Type of p,acka~   20.Pado,lliflll   21  Noof••-·   22. Quantity (or
                                                  spedfic.ation mi!lrkaig~   tr.anspcrt index,
                                                                          if applic;, l,jel:
                                      23. Otncr rclewnt lnfOrmatlon 11nc1utt1ng 5USpttted cause, any i!Ction tall:cn).
                                      24. Nam@ and title of person makSlg ~   2.5. Ttlll!:pbonl!!No:

                                      26.. Company-          2 7. Ri!porters .-«:
                                      28.. Address·          29. Swnature·

                                                             30. Dne:

                                      O~crlptJon of the occ11renu (conunuathmJ

             SPO.GEN.155             Release of dangerous goods
                                      The operator shall not operate an aircraft over congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over
                                      an open-air assembly of persons when releasing dangerous goods.
             SPO.GEN.160             Carriage and use of weapons
                                          (a)  The operator shall ensure that, when weapons are carried on a flight for the purpose of a
                                             specialised task, these are secured when not in use.
                                          (b)  The task specialist using the weapon shall take all necessary measures to prevent the
                                             aircraft and persons on board or on the ground from being endangered.
             SPO.GEN.165             Admission to the flight crew compartment
                                      The pilot-in-command shall make the final decision regarding the admission to the flight crew
                                      compartment and shall ensure that:
                                          (a)  admission to the flight crew compartment does not cause distraction or interference with
                                             the operation of the flight; and
                                          (b)  all persons carried in the flight crew compartment are made familiar with the relevant
                                             safety procedures.
                     Reference       Description  SUBPART B OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES (SPO.OP)
             SPO.OP.100              Use of aerodromes and operating sites
                                      The operator shall only use aerodromes and operating sites that are adequate for the type of aircraft
                                      and operation concerned.
             SPO.OP.100 AMC1         Use of aerodromes and operating sites
                                      USE OF OPERATING SITES MOTOR-POWERED AIRCRAFT
                                          (a)  When defining adequate operating sites for use for the type(s) of aircraft and operation(s)
                                              concerned, the operator should take account of the following:
                                              (1)  An adequate site is a site that the operator considers to be satisfactory, taking
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