Page 320 - UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part ML - ANNEX Vb - Continuing Airworthiness Requirements (Lite)

             ML.B.104                Record-keeping
                                          (a)  The CAA shall establish a system of record-keeping that allows adequate traceability of
                                              the process for issuing, continuing, changing, suspending or revoking each certificate and
                                          (b)  The records for the oversight of each aircraft shall include, as a minimum, a copy of:
                                              (1)  the aircraft certificate of airworthiness;
                                              (2)  ARCs;
                                              (3)  reports from the airworthiness reviews carried out directly by the CAA;
                                              (4)  all relevant correspondence relating to the aircraft;
                                              (5)  details of any exemption and enforcement action(s);
                                              (6)  any document approved by the CAA pursuant to this Annex or Regulation (EU) No
                                          (c)  The records specified in point (b) shall be retained until 2 years after the aircraft has been
                                              permanently withdrawn from service.

                                              Section B Subpart B ACCOUNTABILITY
                     Reference       Description
             ML.B.201                Responsibilities
                                      The CAA shall be responsible for conducting inspections and investigations in order to verify that the
                                      requirements of this Annex are complied with.
             ML.B.201 AMC1           Responsibilities
                                      Template that can be used by the owner, CAO or CAMO upon request by the CAA to collect
                                      information about the AMP

                                         Section B Subpart C CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS
                     Reference       Description
             ML.B.302                Exemptions
                                      All exemptions granted in accordance with Article 71 of Regulation (EC) 2018/1139 shall be recorded
                                      and retained by the CAA.
             ML.B.303                Aircraft continuing airworthiness monitoring
                                          (a)  The CAA shall develop a survey programme following a risk-based approach to monitor
                                              the airworthiness status of the fleet of aircraft on its register.
                                          (b)  A survey programme shall include sample product surveys of aircraft and shall cover all
                                              aspects of airworthiness key risk elements.
                                          (c)  A sample product survey shall sample the airworthiness standards achieved, on the basis
                                              of the applicable requirements, and identify any findings.
                                          (d)  Any findings identified shall be categorised in accordance with point ML.B.903 and
                                              confirmed in writing to the person or organisation responsible pursuant to point ML.A.201.
                                              The CAA shall have a procedure in place to analyse findings as for their safety
                                          (e)  The CAA shall record all findings and closure actions.
                                           (f) If during aircraft monitoring, evidence is found showing non-compliance with this or other
                                              Annexes, the finding shall be dealt with as provided for by the relevant Annex.
             ML.B.303 AMC1           Aircraft continuing airworthiness monitoring
                                      The CAA survey programme developed in accordance with Part-M (M.B.303) provides an acceptable
                                      basic structure for the survey programme required for Part-ML aircraft.
             ML.B.304                Revocation, suspension and limitation
                                      The competent authority shall:
                                          (a)  suspend an ARC on reasonable grounds in the case of a potential safety threat; or
                                          (b)  suspend or revoke an ARC pursuant to point (a) of point ML.B.903.
                                      The CAA must revoke the airworthiness review authorisation issued pursuant to point (c) of point
                                      ML.A.904 if the holder shows poor performance of the airworthiness review or uses such
                                      authorisation in inappropriate manner.
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