Page 336 - UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part CAMO - ANNEX Vc - Organisational Requirements for Continuing Airworthiness Management
(c) Upon revocation or surrender, the certificate shall be returned to the CAA without delay.
CAMO.A.140 Access
For the purpose of determining compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EU)
2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing acts, the organisation shall grant access at any time
to any facility, aircraft, document, records, data, procedures or any other material relevant to its
activity subject to certification, whether it is contrac ted/subcontracted or not, to any person
authorised by the CAA.
CAMO.A.150 Findings
(a) After receipt of notification of findings according to point CAMO.B.350, the organisation
(1) identify the root cause or causes of and contributing factors to the non-compliance;
(2) define a corrective action plan;
(3) demonstrate corrective action implementation to the satisfaction of the CAA.
(b) Actions referred to in points (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3) shall be performed within the period
agreed with the CAA as defined in point CAMO.B.350.
CAMO.A.150 AMC1 Findings
The action plan defined by the organisation should address the effects of the non-compliance, as well
as its root cause(s) and contributing factor(s).
Depending on the issues, the action plan should address correction/containment of the issue,
corrective action and preventive action.
CAMO.A.150 GM1 Findings
(a) It is important that the analysis does not primarily focus on establishing who or what
caused the non-compliance, but on why it was caused. Establishing the root cause or
causes of a non-compliance often requires an overarching view of the events and
circumstances that led to it, to identify all the possible systemic and contributing factors
(regulatory, human factors (HF), organisational factors, technical, etc.) in addition to the
direct factors.
(b) A narrow focus on single events or failures, or the use of a simple, linear model, such as a
fault tree, to identify the chain of events that led to the non-compliance, may not properly
reflect the complexity of the issue, and therefore there is a risk that important factors that
must be addressed in order to prevent a reoccurrence will be ignored.
Such an inappropriate or partial causal analysis often leads to defining ‘quick fixes’ that
only address the symptoms of the nonconformity. A peer review of the results of the
causal analysis may increase its reliability and objectivity.
(c) A system description of the organisation that considers the organisational structures,
processes and their interfaces, procedures, staff, equipment, facilities and the
environment in which the organisation operates, will support both effective causal
(reactive) and hazard (proactive) analyses.
CAMO.A.155 Immediate reaction to a safety problem
The organisation shall implement:
(a) any safety measures mandated by the CAA in accordance with point CAMO.B.135;
(b) any relevant mandatory safety information issued by the CAA.
CAMO.A.160 Occurrence reporting
(a) As part of its management system the organisation shall implement an occurrence
reporting system that meets the requirements defined in Regulation (EU) No 376/2014
and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1018.
(b) Without prejudice to point (a), the organisation shall ensure that any incident, malfunction,
technical defect, exceeding of technical limitations, occurrence that would highlight
inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous information contained in data established in
accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 or other irregular
circumstance that has or may have endangered the safe operation of the aircraft and that
has not resulted in an accident or serious incident are reported to the CAA and to the
organisation responsible for the design of the aircraft.
(c) Without prejudice to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU)
2015/1018, the reports referred to in points (a) and (b) shall be made in a form and
manner established by the CAA and shall contain all pertinent information about the
condition known to the organisation.
(d) Reports shall be made as soon as possible, but in any case within 72 hours of the
organisation identifying the condition to which the report relates, unless exceptional
circumstances prevent this.
(e) Where relevant, the organisation shall produce a follow-up report to provide details of
actions it intends to take to prevent similar occurrences in the future, as soon as these
actions have been identified. This report shall be produced in a form and manner
established by the CAA.
CAMO.A.160 AMC1 Occurrence reporting
(a) Where the organisation holds one or more additional organisation certificates within the
scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing acts:
(1) the organisation may establish an integrated occurrence reporting system covering
all certificate(s) held; and
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