Page 372 - UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 372
Part CAMO - ANNEX Vc - Organisational Requirements for Continuing Airworthiness Management
representative of the full Group 3. In such case, if later on changes need to be introduced in the
detailed scope of work detailed in the CAME to include new aircraft types (within Group 3), this may
be done by the procedure referred to in point CAMO.A.130(c).
Special case for ELA1 aircraft:
In order to promote standardisation, for this category of aircraft the following approach is
- Possible ratings to be endorsed in CAA Form 14:
- ELA1 sailplanes;
- ELA1 powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes;
- ELA1 balloons;
- ELA1 airships.
- Before endorsing any of those ratings (for example, ELA1 sailplanes) in CAA Form 14, the
CAA should audit that the organisation is capable of managing at least one aircraft type
(for example, one type of sailplanes within the ELA1 category), including the availability of
the necessary facilities, data, maintenance programmes, and staff.
CAMO.B.310(e)(2) AMC1 Initial certification procedure
(a) The CAA should indicate its approval of the CAME in writing.
(b) Contracts for subcontracting continuing airworthiness management tasks by CAMOs
should be included in the continuing airworthiness organisation exposition. The competent
authorities should verify that the standards set forth in AMC1 CAMO.A.125(d)(3) have
been met when approving the exposition.
(c) The CAA while investigating the acceptability of the proposed subcontracted continuing
airworthiness management tasks arrangements should take into account, in the
subcontracted organisation, all other such contracts that are in place irrespective of state
of registry in terms of sufficiency of resources, expertise, management structure, facilities
and liaison between the CAMO, the subcontracted organisation and, where applicable, the
contracted maintenance organisation(s).
(d) Approval of the CAME constitutes formal acceptance of personnel specified in points
CAMO.A.305(a), CAMO.A.305(b)(2), CAMO.A.305(e) and CAMO.A.305(f).
(e) The CAA may reject an accountable manager if there is clear evidence that this person
previously held a senior position in any organisation that was approved in accordance with
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing acts, and that the person
abused that position by not complying with the applicable requirements.
(e) For CAT, commercial specialised operations and commercial ATO or commercial DTO
operations, the initial approval of the aircraft technical log system required by M.A.306(b)
and M.B.305 may be done by approving the CAME in which this system should be
CAMO.B.330 Changes
(a) Upon receiving an application for a change that requires prior approval, the CAA shall
verify the organisation's compliance with the applicable requirements before issuing the
(b) The CAA shall establish the conditions under which the organisation may operate during
the change unless the CAA determines that the organisation's certificate needs to be
(c) When satisfied that the organisation complies with the applicable requirements, the CAA
shall approve the change.
(d) Without prejudice to any additional enforcement measures, when the organisation
implements changes requiring prior approval without having received CAA approval
pursuant to point (c), the CAA shall suspend, limit or revoke the organisation's certificate.
(e) For changes not requiring prior approval, the CAA shall assess the information provided in
the notification sent by the organisation in accordance with point (c) of point CAMO.A.130
to verify compliance with the applicable requirements. In case of any non-compliance, the
CAA shall:
(1) notify the organisation about the non-compliance and request further changes;
(2) in case of level 1 or level 2 findings, act in accordance with point CAMO.B.350.
CAMO.B.330 AMC1 Changes
(a) The CAA should have adequate control over any changes to the personnel specified in
points CAMO.A.305, (b)(2), (e) and (f). Such changes in personnel will require an
amendment to the exposition.
(b) When an organisation submits the name of a new nominee for any of the personnel
specified in points CAMO.A.305(a), (b)(2) and (e), the CAA may require the organisation to
produce a written résumé of the proposed person's qualifications. The CAA should
reserve the right to interview the nominee or call for additional evidence of his or her
suitability before deciding upon him or her being acceptable.
(c) For changes requiring prior approval, in order to verify the organisation's compliance with
the applicable requirements, the CAA should conduct an audit of the organisation, limited
to the extent of the changes, and determine whether a risk assessment needs to be
provided by the organisation.
(d) If a risk assessment is deemed to be necessary, the CAA should inform the organisation
(e) If the CAA considers that it is necessary to review the risk assessment performed by the
organisation, it should request the organisation to provide it, and assess its result.
(f) If required, the audit may include interviews and inspections carried out at the
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