Page 66 - UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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ANNEX I - Continuing Airworthiness Requirements

             M.A.801(g) AMC          Aircraft certificate of release to service
                                      'Endangers flight safety’ means any instance where safe operation could not be assured or which
                                      could lead to an unsafe condition. It typically includes, but is not limited to, significant cracking,
                                      deformation, corrosion or failure of primary structure, any evidence of burning, electrical arcing,
                                      significant hydraulic fluid or fuel leakage and any emergency system or total system failure. An AD
                                      overdue for compliance is also considered a hazard to flight safety.
             M.A.802                 Component certificate of release to service
                                          (a)  Except for component released to service by a maintenance organisation approved in
                                              accordance with Annex II (Part-145), a CRS shall be issued at the completion of any
                                              maintenance carried out on an aircraft component in accordance with point M.A.502 of
                                              this Annex (Part-M).
                                          (b)  The authorised release certificate identified as CAA Form 1 constitutes the component
                                              CRS, except when such maintenance on aircraft components has been performed in
                                              accordance with point (b) or (d) of point M.A.502 in which case the maintenance is
                                              subject to aircraft release procedures in accordance with point M.A.801.
             M.A.802 AMC             Component certificate of release to service
                                      The purpose of the CAA Form 1 (see also Appendix II to Part-M) is to release components after
                                      manufacture and to release maintenance work carried out on such components under the approval of
                                      a CAA, and to allow components that are removed from one aircraft/component to be fitted to another
                                      When an approved organisation maintains an aircraft component for use by the organisation, a CAA
                                      Form 1 may not be necessary depending upon the organisation’s internal release procedures;
                                      however all the information normally required for the CAA Form 1 should be adequately detailed in the
                                      certificate of release to service.
             M.A.803                 Pilot-owner authorisation
                                          (a)  To qualify as a Pilot-owner, the person must:
                                               1.  hold a valid pilot licence (or equivalent) issued or validated by the CAA for the
                                                  aircraft type or class rating; and
                                               2.  own the aircraft, either as sole or joint owner; that owner must be:
                                                   (i) one of the natural persons on the registration form; or
                                                  (ii)  a member of a non-profit recreational legal entity, where the legal entity is
                                                      specified on the registration document as owner or operator, and that
                                                      member is directly involved in the decision making process of the legal entity
                                                      and designated by that legal entity to carry out Pilot-owner maintenance.
                                          (b)  For any other than complex motor-powered aircraft of 2 730 kg MTOM and below, which
                                              are not used in CAT operations, in commercial specialised operations or in commercial
                                              operations by ATOs or DTOs, the pilot-owner may issue a CRS after having carried out
                                              limited pilot-owner maintenance as specified in Appendix VIII to this Annex.
                                          (c)  The scope of the limited Pilot-owner maintenance shall be specified in the aircraft
                                              maintenance programme referred to in point M.A.302.
                                          (d)  The CRS shall be entered in the aircraft continuing airworthiness record system and
                                              contain basic details of the maintenance carried out, the maintenance data used, the date
                                              on which that maintenance was completed, as well as the identity, the signature and pilot
                                              licence number of the pilot-owner issuing such a certificate.
             M.A.803 AMC             Pilot-owner authorisation
                                           1.  Privately operated means the aircraft is operated pursuant to M.A.201(i).
                                           2.  A Pilot-owner may only issue a CRS for maintenance he/she has performed.
                                           3.  In the case of a jointly-owned aircraft, the maintenance programme should list:
                                                -  The names of all Pilotowners competent and designated to perform Pilotowner
                                                  maintenance in accordance with the basic principles described in Appendix VIII of
                                                  Part M. An alternative would be the maintenance programme to contain a procedure
                                                  to ensure how such a list of competent Pilotowners should be managed separately
                                                  and kept current.
                                                -  The limited maintenance tasks they may perform.
                                           4.  An equivalent valid pilot licence may be any document attesting a pilot qualification
                                              recognised by the UK. It does not have to be necessarily issued by the CAA, but it should
                                              in any case be issued in accordance with the UK’s system. In such a case, the equivalent
                                              certificate or qualification number should be used instead of the pilot's licence number for
                                              the purpose of the M.A.801(b)3 (certificate of release to service).
                                           5.  Not holding a valid medical examination does not invalidate the pilot licence (or equivalent)
                                              required under M.A.803(a)1 for the purpose of the Pilot-owner authorisation.

                                         Section A Subpart I Airworthiness Review Certificate
                     Reference       Description
             M.A.901                 Aircraft airworthiness review
                                      To ensure the validity of the aircraft airworthiness certificate, an airworthiness review of the aircraft
                                      and its continuing airworthiness records shall be carried out periodically.
                                          (a)  An airworthiness review certificate is issued in accordance with Appendix III (CAA Form
                                              15a or 15b) to this Annex upon completion of a satisfactory airworthiness review. The
                                              airworthiness review certificate shall be valid for 1 year;
                                          (b)  An aircraft in a controlled environment is an aircraft which, during the preceding 12
                                               1.  has had its airworthiness continuously managed by a unique CAMO or CAO;
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