Page 164 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 164

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                                      Flashlight and batteries
                                                   (ii)  Medication
                                                       Epinephrine 1:1 000
                                                       Antihistamine – injectable
                                                       Dextrose 50 % (or equivalent) – injectable: 50 ml
                                                       Nitroglycerin tablets, or spray
                                                       Major analgesic
                                                       Sedative anticonvulsant – injectable
                                                       Antiemetic – injectable
                                                       Bronchial dilator – inhaler
                                                       Atropine – injectable
                                                       Adrenocortical steroid – injectable
                                                       Diuretic – injectable
                                                       Medication for postpartum bleeding
                                                       Sodium chloride 0.9 % (minimum 250 ml)
                                                       Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin) for oral use
                                                       Oral beta blocker

                                                       If a cardiac monitor is available (with or without an AED) add to the above list:
                                                       Epinephrine 1:10 000 (can be a dilution of epinephrine 1:1 000)

             OTAR.121.B.5 (APP B)    Life rafts
                                        (a)  Life rafts shall be equipped appropriately to the area that the flight covers.
                                        (b)  Each life raft shall contain the following equipment:
                                             (1)  means of maintaining buoyancy; and
                                             (2)  a sea anchor; and
                                             (3)  lifelines and a means of attaching one life raft to another; and
                                             (4)  paddles or other means of propulsion; and
                                             (5)  canopy to protect the occupants; and
                                             (6)  one radar reflector; and
                                             (7)  one life raft repair kit; and
                                             (8)  one bailing bucket; and
                                             (9)  one inflation pump; and
                                             (10)  one magnetic compass; and
                                             (11)  one raft knife; and
                                             (12)  one liferaft survival pack, equipped in accordance with paragraph 121.B.010.

             OTAR.121.B.10 (APP B)   Life raft survival pack
                                        (a)  Each life raft shall carry a survival pack containing the following equipment:
                                             (1)  a waterproof flashlight having at least two ‘D’ cells or equivalent; and
                                             (2)  marine type pyrotechnic distress signals; and
                                             (3)  means of making sea water drinkable; and
                                             (4)  for every 4 persons the life raft is designed to carry;
                                                    (i)  100 gm of glucose toffee tablets; and
                                                    (ii)  500 ml of fresh water in durable containers, of which a proportion may be
                                                       provided by means of 121.B.010(a)(3); and
                                             (5)  first aid equipment; and
                                             (6)  one signalling mirror; and
                                             (7)  one whistle; and
                                             (8)  one dye marker; and
                                             (9)  one fishing kit; and
                                             (10)  one book on survival appropriate for the area over which the aeroplane is operated.

             OTAR.121.B.15 (APP B)   Survival beacons
                                      Where life rafts are carried, a survival beacon radio shall also be carried in accordance with Table 1 below
                                      Table 1 - Survival beacons
                                      Number of Rafts / Number of Beacons
                                      1-8 / 2

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