Page 18 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 61 - Pilot Licences and Ratings

                                        (d)  The licence holder shall keep the log book for at least 36 months from the date of the last flight
                                            time entry recorded in it.
                                        (e)  Before a pilot submits his or her pilot's log book to the Governor for any required inspection, the
                                            pilot shall:
                                             (1)  on each page, total each column of entries; and
                                             (2)  in the spaces provided, enter his or her total flight experience; and
                                             (3)  below the last entry, certify the correctness of the entries; and
                                             (4)  sign the certification.
             OTAR.61.27              Pilot log books - crediting flight time
                                        (a)  The holder of a current pilot licence, when acting as co-pilot of an aircraft required to be operated
                                            with a co-pilot, shall be entitled to be credited with not more than 50% of the flight time towards
                                            the total flight time required for a higher grade of pilot licence.
                                        (b)  The holder of a pilot licence, when acting as co-pilot performing under the supervision of the
                                            pilot-in-command the functions and duties of a pilot-in-command, shall be entitled to be credited
                                            in full with this flight time towards the total flight time required for a higher grade of pilot licence,
                                            subject to certification by the pilot-in-command.
                                        (c)  Subject to paragraph 61.21(c), a pilot manipulating the flight controls of an aircraft, under actual
                                            or simulated instrument flight conditions solely by reference to instruments and without external
                                            reference points, is entitled to be credited with the instrument flight time thus acquired toward the
                                            total instrument flight time experience required for:
                                             (1)  a higher grade of licence; or
                                             (2)  an instrument rating; or
                                             (3)  the recent experience requirement of an instrument rating already held.
                                        (d)  A pilot-in-command, when supervising a co-pilot manipulating the flight controls of an aircraft
                                            under actual (but not simulated) instrument flight conditions, is entitled to be credited with the
                                            instrument flight time thus acquired towards the total instrument flight experience required as
                                            recent experience to maintain the currency of his or her instrument rating.
                                        (e)  A flight instructor, when supervising a pilot manipulating the flight controls of an aircraft under
                                            actual or simulated instrument flight conditions, is entitled to be credited with the instrument flight
                                            time thus acquired towards maintaining the currency of his or her instrument rating. This credit
                                            shall not exceed 3 hours in any three-month period.
                                        (f)  A flight examiner is entitled to be credited with flight time during which he or she is carrying out a
                                            flight test. This shall be recorded as being in the capacity of Flight Examiner and shall be
                                            deemed to be pilot-in-command time.
                                        (g)  Flight time during which:
                                             (1)  a pilot is receiving dual instruction shall be logged as dual flight time and shall include a
                                                 record of the air exercises undertaken;
                                             (2)  a pilot is receiving command practice under the supervision of a pilot-in-command
                                                 designated by the operator to give command supervision shall be logged as command
                                             (3)  a pilot is gaining instrument flight experience under actual or simulated instrument flight
                                                 conditions shall be logged as instrument flight time.
                                        (h)  A person acting as pilot of an aircraft while not complying with any requirement of this Part
                                            applicable to that pilot, shall not credit that flight time for any purpose.

             OTAR.61.29              Pilot log books - cross-crediting flight time
                                      Where a pilot produces acceptable evidence of piloting experience in aircraft other than of the category for
                                      licence issue, half the P1 time experienced within the preceding 12 months may be credited towards the
                                      total flight experience required but not towards the specific flight experience requirement.

             OTAR.61.31              Pilot log books - crediting ground time
                                      An applicant for the issue of a licence or rating, or renewal of a rating, is entitled to be credited with the
                                      instrument ground time during which he or she is under the supervision of an appropriately qualified
                                      instructor in an approved synthetic flight training device, provided the instructor certifies the time in the
                                      pilot's log book.
             OTAR.61.33              Medical requirements

                                        (a)  The holder of a pilot licence issued under this OTAR Part shall not exercise the privileges of that
                                            licence unless that person:
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