Page 185 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 185

Regulation OTAR Part 125 - Complex General Aviation

             OTAR.125.635            Seating and restraints
                                        (a)  An aircraft shall be equipped with:
                                              (1)  a seat or berth for each person on board; and
                                              (2)  a safety belt for each seat and restraining belts for each berth; and
                                              (3)  for each flight crew member seat: either a safety harness; or, if the aircraft type
                                                 certificate allows, a seat belt with a diagonal shoulder strap.
                                        (b)  The safety harness for each flight crew seat shall incorporate:
                                              (1)  a device to automatically restrain the occupant in the event of rapid deceleration; and
                                              (2)  where practicable, a device to prevent an incapacitated occupant from interfering with
                                                 the controls.
                                            Note: Depending on the design, the lock on an inertia reel device may suffice for this purpose.
                                        (c)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) and (2), a seat, berth, safety belt or restraining belt is not
                                            required for:
                                              (1)  a child being carried in accordance with paragraph 91.355(c)(1); or
                                              (2)  a person being carried during parachute operations, unless parachutist restraints are
                                                 required by the aircraft flight manual.
                                        (d)  For each required cabin crew member:
                                              (1)  in aircraft for which the first certificate of airworthiness, for that individual aircraft, was
                                                 issued on or after 1 January 1981, a forward or rearward facing seat (within 15
                                                 degrees of the longitudinal axis of the aircraft), fitted with a safety harness.
                                        (e)  Cabin crew seats provided in accordance with paragraph (d) shall be located near floor level and
                                            close to emergency exits.
             OTAR.125.640            Aircraft operating under VFR
                                        (a)  An aircraft shall be equipped with a means of measuring and displaying:
                                              (1)  magnetic heading;
                                              (2)  the time in hours, minutes and seconds (permitted to carry a means of meassuring
                                                 time, if aircraft is not equipped);
                                              (3)  barometric altitude;
                                              (4)  indicated airspeed;
                                              (5)  mach number, if the speed limitation prescribed by the aircraft flight manual is
                                                 expressed in terms of mach number; and
                                              (6)  in a helicopter: slip.
                                        (b)  An aircraft shall be equipped with spare fuses of appropriate ratings, where necessary, for all
                                            electrical circuits that can be changed in flight (at least 3 of each rating, or 10 % of the number
                                            for each rating, whichever is greater).
             OTAR.125.645            VFR flights operated as controlled flights
                                      An aircraft flying under the visual flight rules, but as a controlled flight shall be equipped in accordance with
             OTAR.125.650            Equipment for flight in icing conditions
                                      An aircraft shall be certificated and equipped to operate in icing conditions, for flight in circumstances in
                                      which icing conditions are reported to exist or are expected to be encountered.
             OTAR.125.655            Aircraft operating at night or under IFR
                                      Note: ‘With the surface in sight’ means with the flight crew being able to see sufficient surface features or
                                      surface illumination to enable the flight crew to maintain the aircraft in a desired attitude without reference
                                      to any flight instrument.
                                        (a)  An aircraft flying at night or under IFR or when the surface is not in sight shall be equipped with a
                                            means of measuring and displaying:
                                              (1)  magnetic heading (standby compass);
                                              (2)  the time in hours, minutes and seconds; (permitted to be carried if aircraft not
                                              (3)  barometric altitude, from two independent altimetry sources;
                                              (4)  indicated airspeed, with a means of preventing malfunctioning due to either
                                                  condensation or icing; and
                                                    (i)  mach number, if the speed limitation prescribed by the aircraft flight manual
                                                       is expressed in terms of mach number;
                                              (5)  in an aeroplane: turn and slip; and in a helicopter: slip;
                                              (6)  for each required pilot: aircraft attitude; except
                                                    (i)  in an aeroplane: one attitude indicator may be replaced by the turn and slip
                                                        indicator; and
                                                    (ii)  in a helicopter: an additional means of indicating aircraft attitude;

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