Page 340 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 340

Regulation OTAR Part 140 - Rescue and Fire-Fighting Services (RFFS) Requirements

                                            Pre-mixed foam systems shall have foam concentrate introduced to within a tolerance of 1.0 to
                                            1.1 times the manufacturer’s desired induction rate.
                                        (h)  Pre-mixed foam units shall be maintained and hydraulically pressure tested in accordance with
                                            the intervals set by manufacturer’s guidance. Only foam concentrates suitable for use in pre-
                                            mixed form shall be used in these kinds of pressure vessels.
                                        (i)  Care should be taken in the use of freeze point depressants where pre-mixed foam systems are
                                            exposed to low temperatures, since excessive amounts of additives may have adverse effects
                                            on fire extinguishing performance.

             OTAR.140.135            Supplementary water supplies
                                      An RFFS provider shall set up systems and procedures to ensure that supplementary water supplies
                                      ensure rapid replenishment of RFFS vehicles. The objective shall be to support the principle of continuous
                                      application of principal fire extinguishing agent (foam) to maintain a survivable environment around the
                                      immediate vicinity of an aircraft accident for longer than that provided for by the minimum quantities of
                                      water for foam production set out in ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, Table 9-2, and for surface level heliports,
                                      ICAO Annex 14 Volume 2 Table 6-2.
             OTAR.140.151            Facility requirements
                                      An RFFS provider shall establish suitable facilities, including training and assessment facilities, appropriate
                                      to the RFFS described in the RFFS Manual(s).
             OTAR.140.153            Fire station(s)
                                        (a)  An aerodrome operator shall ensure that the location of the airport fire station and vehicle
                                            positioning are based on minimising response times to areas where aircraft accidents and
                                            incidents may occur. The location shall be free of obstructions or interference from facilities or
                                            uses, such as access roads, fuelling areas, and aircraft taxiing operations/parking areas.
                                        (b)  The location of the fire station should provide the maximum opportunity for monitoring the
                                            movement area.
                                        (c)  Satellite fire stations shall be provided whenever the response times specified in para cannot be
                                            achieved from a single fire station
                                        (d)  All rescue and fire-fighting vehicles shall be housed in a fire station.
                                        (e)  The fire station should be located so that the access for rescue and fire-fighting vehicles into the
                                            runway area is direct and clear, requiring a minimum number of turns.
             OTAR.140.155            Alerting system
                                      An RFFS provider shall establish:
                                        (a)  an audible alerting system for rescue and fire-fighting personnel, capable of being operated from
                                            that station, any other fire station on the aerodrome and the aerodrome control tower; and
                                        (b)  a discrete communication system linking the fire station with the control tower, any other fire
                                            station on the aerodrome and the rescue and fire-fighting vehicles.
             OTAR.140.157            Radio communications
                                      An RFFS provider shall set up systems and procedures to ensure that:
                                        (a)  radio communication is provided with adequate and effective communication equipment; and
                                        (b)  systems and equipment have an effective range which will ensure reception within all areas that
                                            the fire service may be needed to operate; and
                                        (c)  the RFFS personnel can communicate with:
                                             (1)  Air Traffic Services; and
                                             (2)  the flight deck crew whilst the aircraft is on the ground; and
                                             (3)  responding external emergency services; and
                                             (4)  incident commanders; and
                                             (5)  (if applicable) other fire-fighting vehicles.

             OTAR.140.175            Requirement for an RFFS Manual
                                        (a)  The RFFS provider shall provide, for compliance by its personnel, an RFFS Manual for the
                                            services listed in its exposition and which complies with Appendix A.
                                        (b)  The RFFS provider shall provide the aerodrome certificate holder or operator with a complete
                                            and current copy of the RFFS Manual.
                                        (c)  The RFFS provider shall make available enough copies of the RFFS Manual for one to be readily
                                            accessible by all personnel who may need to refer to it.
                                        (d)  The RFFS provider shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that each member of the RFFS
                                             (1)  is aware of the contents of every part of the RFFS Manual which is relevant to his/her
                                                 duties as such; and
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