Page 374 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 374
Regulation OTAR Part 175 - Aeronautical Information Service
(as appropriate):
(i) AIP, and amendments; and
(ii) Supplements to the AIP; and
(iii) NOTAM (Operational Aeronautical Information) and Pre-flight Information
Bulletin (PIB); and
(iv) AICs; and
(v) checklists and lists of valid NOTAM.
(4) communications requirements, provision and maintenance.
OTAR.175.55 Quality Management System
(a) To meet the requirements of ICAO Annex 15, the AIS provider shall have a quality management
system (QMS).
(b) The QMS shall include the following elements:
(1) staff training and competencies detailed in Annex 15; and
(2) means to confirm that the service provided meets and continues to meet the
requirements of this OTAR Part and the SDD; and
(3) verification and validation procedures are in place for any AIS information
disseminated; and
(4) procedures exist to ensure that the transmission of information is appropriate and
timely; and
(5) that aeronautical information supplied to users conforms to standard message formats
set out in PANS-AIM ICAO Doc 10066; and
(6) the necessary policies, processes and procedures, including those for the use of
metadata, to ensure and verify that aeronautical data is traceable throughout the
aeronautical data chain so as to allow any data anomalies or errors detected in use to
be identified by root cause, corrected and communicated to affected users; and
(7) accommodation and facilities including, in particular, communications equipment, its
maintenance and the availability of alternative suitable means of communication in the
event of the failure of the primary means.
Subpart D Regulation
Reference Description
OTAR.175.75 Applicability
This Subpart sets out the requirements on the designated regulator.
OTAR.175.77 Oversight of the service provider
(a) Whichever of the methods of service provision is adopted, the designated regulator shall conduct
audits of the AIS provision at not more than five-year intervals.
(b) Within the authority of the designated regulator, the purpose of the audit is to ensure that:
(1) the service provider is meeting the requirements in this OTAR Part, ICAO Annex 15
and the SDD; and
(2) the service provider’s QMS is functioning appropriately; and
(3) the requirements of any agreements between the AIS provider, air traffic services and
other users (as required by the SDD) are appropriate and that the service provided
meets the requirements; and
(4) the audit shall include the local AIS office and facilities including, in particular,
communications equipment are adequate and suitable and that alternative suitable
means of communication in the event of the failure of the primary means are available.
OTAR.175.79 Non-compliance
In the event that the audit reveals non-compliances in service provision regulatory remedial action shall be
taken. Deficiencies shall be brought to the attention of the service provider and the method of rectification
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