Page 26 - UK ADR Aerodrome Regulations (Consolidated) October 2021
P. 26

Part AR - ANNEX II - Authority Requirements - Aerodromes

                                             CAA may adapt its oversight programme, in order to avoid duplication of specific audit
                                          (b)  Demonstrated compliance with industry standards may not be considered in isolation from
                                             the other elements to be considered for the CAA’s risk-based oversight.
                                          (c)  In order to be able to credit any audits performed as part of certification in accordance with
                                             industry standards, the following should be considered:
                                              (1) the demonstration of compliance is based on certification auditing schemes
                                                 providing for independent and systematic verification;
                                              (2) the existence of an accreditation scheme and accreditation body for certification in
                                                 accordance with the industry standards has been verified;
                                              (3) certification audits are relevant to the requirements defined in Part-ADR.OR, Part-
                                                 ADR.OPS, or other regulations as applicable;
                                              (4) the scope of such certification audits can easily be mapped against the scope of
                                              (5) audit results are accessible to the CAA; and
                                              (6) the audit planning intervals are compatible with the oversight planning cycle.
             ADR.AR.C.010(b) GM2     Oversight programme
                                      FINANCIAL SITUATION
                                      Examples of trends which may indicate problems in a new aerodrome operator's financial situation
                                      could be:
                                          (a)  significant lay-offs or turnover of personnel; reduced staff resource; increased multi-
                                             tasking; changing shift patterns; and increased overtime;
                                          (b)  delays in meeting payroll;
                                          (c)  reduction of safe operating standards;
                                          (d)  decreasing standards of training;
                                          (e)  withdrawal of credit by suppliers;
                                          (f) inadequate maintenance of the aerodrome; and
                                          (g)  shortage of supplies and spare parts.
             ADR.AR.C.010(b) GM3     Oversight programme
                                      MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                      Normally the inspections that are carried out by the CAA should be with prior notice to the aerodrome
                                      operator or the provider apron management services.
                                      Such notice should be given in writing, and in good time before the inspection so that the inspected
                                      entity can make all the necessary arrangements and preparations, and to avoid the disruption of
                                      normal operations.
                                      In case an inspection is conducted without prior notice (unannounced inspection), the aerodrome
                                      inspectors should ensure that the operations are affected to the minimum extent possible.
             ADR.AR.C.010(b);(c) AMC1  Oversight programme
                                      OVERSIGHT PLANNING CYCLE
                                          (a)  The safety performance should be continuously monitored in order to ensure that the
                                             oversight programme and the applicable oversight planning cycle remain appropriate.
                                          (b)  The oversight planning cycle and related oversight programme for each aerodrome
                                             operator should be reviewed annually.
                                          (c)  The oversight planning cycle and related oversight programme, and their annual review
                                             should be determined according to the following elements:
                                              (1) the results of past certification and oversight activities;
                                              (2) capability to effectively identify aviation safety hazards, and manage the associated
                                              (3) effective control over all changes in accordance with ADR.OR.B.040;
                                              (4) absence of level 1 findings;
                                              (5) response time to implement corrective actions requested by the CAA in accordance
                                                 with ADR.AR.C.055(d)(2); and
                                              (6) risk exposure related to the aerodrome operated, such as traffic volume, type of
                                                 aircraft or physical characteristics of the aerodrome.
                                          (d)  During each oversight planning cycle, the CAA should convene meetings with the
                                             accountable manager of the aerodrome operator, or his/her delegate.
             ADR.AR.C.010(b);(c) AMC2  Oversight programme
                                      OVERSIGHT PLANNING CYCLE
                                          (a)  For each aerodrome operator certified by the CAA all processes should be audited at
                                             periods not exceeding the applicable oversight planning cycle. The beginning of the first
                                             oversight planning cycle is normally determined by the date of issue of the first certificate. If
                                             the CAA wishes to align the oversight planning cycle with the calendar year, it should
                                             shorten the first oversight planning cycle accordingly.
                                          (b)  The interval between two audits for a particular process should not exceed the interval of
                                             the applicable oversight planning cycle.
                                          (c)  Audits should include at least one on-site audit within each oversight planning cycle at
                                             each aerodrome.
             ADR.AR.C.015            Initiation of certification process
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