Page 31 - UK ADR Aerodrome Regulations (Consolidated) October 2021
P. 31

Part AR - ANNEX II - Authority Requirements - Aerodromes

             ADR.AR.C.035(c) AMC1    Issuance of certificates
                                      VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE
                                          (a)  Upon receipt of an application for a certificate, the CAA should:
                                              (1) nominate an individual to become the focal point for all aspects of the applicant’s
                                                 certification process, and to coordinate all necessary activities, including the CAA’s
                                                 certification team. The nominated person should be responsible to the responsible
                                                 person of the CAA for confirming that all appropriate inspections and audits have
                                                 been carried out. He/she should also ensure that the necessary prior approvals
                                                 required are issued in due course;
                                              (2) verify if the application shows compliance with the applicable requirements. The CAA
                                                 should also arrange for the steps to be followed during the certification process. This
                                                 would, normally, start with the demonstration of compliance of the aerodrome with
                                                 the established and notified certification basis (see AMC2 ADR.AR.C.015(c)) which
                                                 will require the conduct of technical inspections by the CAA and/or examination of
                                                 submitted documentation, the participation to demonstrations, or tests conducted by
                                                 the applicant, as the case may be, and the CAA determines appropriate. This should
                                                 also include the cases where the certification basis includes provisions for which the
                                                 CAAhas accepted the applicant to demonstrate an equivalent level of safety to, or
                                                 cases of special conditions, as applicable;
                                                 If the CAA is not satisfied with the outcome of the demonstration process for any
                                                 elements of the certification basis, it should notify the applicant in writing. At the end
                                                 of this phase, the CAA should have documented evidence that the aerodrome meets
                                                 the notified certification basis;
                                              (3) review the aerodrome manual, which should be prepared in accordance with
                                                 ADR.OR.D.005, and any other documentation provided by the applicant; and
                                              (4) verify compliance with the applicable requirements of Part-ADR.OR, Part-
                                                 ADR.OPS, as well as any other applicable requirement. When verifying compliance
                                                 with such requirements, an audit should be conducted covering the following areas:
                                                  (i) compliance shown by the applicant with the applicable requirements of Part-
                                                     ADR.OPS, or any other applicable requirements;
                                                  (ii)  the applicant’s management system and its organisation, including: detailed
                                                     management structure, including names and qualifications of nominated
                                                     personnel; adequacy of the organisation and management structure, including
                                                     allocated resources and numbers of personnel allocated by the applicant to
                                                     key management tasks and other positions. Care should be taken to verify that
                                                     the system is comprehensive, and is likely to be effective. Of particular
                                                     importance is a careful review of the qualifications of the applicant’s
                                                     nominated persons. Account should be taken of the relevance of the
                                                     nominee's previous experience and known record;
                                                  (iii) safety management and compliance monitoring with applicable requirements;
                                                  (iv) documentation on which the certificate should be granted (organisation
                                                     documentation as required by Part-ADR.OR, including technical manuals,
                                                     such as the aerodrome manual etc.); and
                                                  (v) adequacy of facilities with regard to the applicant’s scope of work.
                                              (5) in case of non-compliance, the applicant should be informed, in writing, of the
                                                 corrections or supplements which are required.
                                          (b)  The CAA should be satisfied with the demonstration of compliance of the aerodrome
                                             manual with the requirements referred to in ADR.OR.E.005 and the related AMCs.
                                          (c)  The CAA should ensure that standardised and approved methods and tools are used by its
                                             personnel during the process described in paragraph a.
                                          (d)  In cases where an application for a certificate is refused, the applicant should be informed
                                             of the right of appeal existing under national regulations.
                                          (e)  Prior to issuing the certificate(s), the CAA may require the conduct of one or more flights at
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