Page 365 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 365

Part CAT - ANNEX IV - Commercial Air Transport Operations

                                     glide slope deviation should apply to all final approach glide slopes with angular vertical navigation
                                     (VNAV) guidance, whether provided by the instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system
                                     (MLS), satellite based augmentation system approach procedure with vertical guidance (SBAS APV
                                     (localiser performance with vertical guidance approach LPV)), ground-based augmentation system
                                     (GBAS (GPS landing system, GLS) or any other systems providing similar guidance. The same
                                     requirement should not apply to systems providing vertical guidance based on barometric VNAV.
             CAT.IDE.A.150 GM1       Terrain awareness warning system (TAWS)
                                     ACCEPTABLE STANDARD FOR TAWS
                                     An acceptable standard for Class A and Class B TAWS may be the applicable technical standards
                                     order (TSO) issued by the CAA or equivalent.
             CAT.IDE.A.155           Airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS)
                                     Unless otherwise provided for by Regulation (EU) No 1332/2011, turbine-powered aeroplanes with an
                                     MCTOM of more than 5 700 kg or an MOPSC of more than 19 shall be equipped with ACAS II.
             CAT.IDE.A.160           Airborne weather detecting equipment
                                     The following shall be equipped with airborne weather detecting equipment when operated at night or
                                     in IMC in areas where thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions, regarded as
                                     detectable with airborne weather detecting equipment, may be expected to exist along the route:
                                          (a) pressurised aeroplanes;
                                          (b) non-pressurised aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5 700 kg; and
                                          (c) non-pressurised aeroplanes with an MOPSC of more than nine.
             CAT.IDE.A.160 AMC1      Airborne weather detecting equipment
                                     The airborne weather detecting equipment should be an airborne weather radar, except for propeller-
                                     driven pressurised aeroplanes with an MCTOM not more than 5 700 kg and an MOPSC of not more
                                     than 9, for which other equipment capable of detecting thunderstorms and other potentially hazardous
                                     weather conditions, regarded as detectable with airborne weather radar equipment, are also
             CAT.IDE.A.165           Additional equipment for operations in icing conditions at night
                                          (a) Aeroplanes operated in expected or actual icing conditions at night shall be equipped with a
                                             means to illuminate or detect the formation of ice.
                                          (b) The means to illuminate the formation of ice shall not cause glare or reflection that would
                                             handicap crew members in the performance of their duties.
             CAT.IDE.A.170           Flight crew interphone system
                                     Aeroplanes operated by more than one flight crew member shall be equipped with a flight crew
                                     interphone system, including headsets and microphones for use by all flight crew members.
             CAT.IDE.A.170 AMC1      Flight crew interphone system
                                     TYPE OF FLIGHT CREW INTERPHONE
                                     The flight crew interphone system should not be of a handheld type.
             CAT.IDE.A.175           Crew member interphone system
                                     Aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 15 000 kg, or with an MOPSC of more than 19 shall be
                                     equipped with a crew member interphone system, except for aeroplanes first issued with an individual
                                     CofA before 1 April 1965 and already registered in the United Kingdom on 1 April 1995.
             CAT.IDE.A.175 AMC1      Crew member interphone system
                                     The crew member interphone system should:
                                          (a) operate independently of the public address system except for handsets, headsets,
                                             microphones, selector switches and signalling devices;
                                          (b) in the case of aeroplanes where at least one cabin crew member is required, be readily
                                             accessible for use at required cabin crew member stations close to each separate or pair
                                             of floor level emergency exits;
                                          (c) in the case of aeroplanes where at least one cabin crew member is required, have an
                                             alerting system incorporating aural or visual signals for use by flight and cabin crew;
                                          (d) have a means for the recipient of a call to determine whether it is a normal call or an
                                             emergency call that uses one or a combination of the following:
                                              (1)  lights of different colours;
                                              (2)  codes defined by the operator (e.g. different number of rings for normal and
                                                 emergency calls); or
                                              (3)  any other indicating signal specified in the operations manual;
                                          (e) provide two-way communication between:
                                              (1)  the flight crew compartment and each passenger compartment, in the case of
                                                 aeroplanes where at least one cabin crew member is required;
                                              (2)  the flight crew compartment and each galley located other than on a passenger deck
                                                 level, in the case of aeroplanes where at least one cabin crew member is required;
                                              (3)  the flight crew compartment and each remote crew compartment and crew member
                                                 station that is not on the passenger deck and is not accessible from a passenger
                                                 compartment; and
                                              (4)  ground personnel and at least two flight crew members. This interphone system for
                                                 use by the ground personnel should be, where practicable, so located that the
                                                 personnel using the system may avoid detection from within the aeroplane; and
                                          (f) be readily accessible for use from each required flight crew station in the flight crew
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