Page 447 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 447

~         Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations                                            n trik

                                                              1800            1200
                                                              1900            1300
                                                              2 000           1300
                                                              2100            1400
                                                              2 200           1500
                                                              2 300           1500
                                                              2 400           1600
                                                              2500            1 700
                                                              2600            1 700
                                                              2 700           1800
                                                              2 800           1900
                                                              2 900           1900
                                                              3000            2 000
                                                              3100            2 000
                                                              3200            2100
                                                              3300            2 200
                                                              3400            2 200
                                                              3500            2 300
                                                              3600            2 400
                                                              3 700           2 400
                                                              3800            2 500
                                                              3900            2 600
                                                              4000            2 600
                                                              4100            2 700
                                                              4200            2 800
                                                              4300            2 800
                                                              4400            2 900
                                                              4500            3 000
                                                              4600            3 000
                                                              4 700           3100
                                                              4800            3 200
                                                              4900            3 200
                                                              5000            3300
             SPA.LVO.100 AMC7        Low visibility operations
                                          (a)  General
                                              These instructions are intended for use both preflight and inflight. It is however not
                                              expected that the pilotincommand/commander would consult such instructions after
                                              passing 1 000 ft above the aerodrome. If failures of ground aids are announced at such a
                                              late stage, the approach could be continued at the pilotincommand/commander’s
                                              discretion. If failures are announced before such a late stage in the approach, their effect
                                              on the approach should be considered as described in Table 7, and the approach may
                                              have to be abandoned.
                                          (b)  The following conditions should be applicable to the tables below:
                                              (1)  multiple failures of runway/FATO lights other than indicated in Table 7 are not
                                              (2)  deficiencies of approach and runway/FATO lights are treated separately;
                                              (3)  for CAT II and CAT III operations, a combination of deficiencies in runway/FATO
                                                  lights and RVR assessment equipment are not permitted; and
                                              (4)  failures other than ILS and MLS affect RVR only and not DH.
                                                Table 7: Failed or downgraded equipment - affect on landing minima
                                                Operations with an LVO approval

                                                Failed or downgraded    Effect on  landillg minima
                                                             CAT 111B (no DHJ   CAT 111B   CAT IIIA   CATII
                                                ll.S/MLS   stand-by    RVR  200 m
                                                transmitter   Not allowed           No effect
                                                Outer   No effect if replaced by height check at 1 000 ft
                                                M iddle marker   No effect
                                                             At  least  one  RVR
                                                RVR   assessment   va lue   to   be  On  runways  equipped  with  two  or  more  RVR
                                                systems      available  on  the  assessment units, one may be inoperative
                                                                      Not  allowed  for  operations
                                                Approach I ghts   No effect           Not allowed
                                                                      with DH >SOit
                                                Approach lights except
                                                             No effect                Not allowed
                                                the last 210 m
                                                Approach lights except
                                                             No effect
                                                the last 420 m
                                                Standby power for
                                                approa eh I ghts   No effect
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