Page 518 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 518

~         Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations                                            n trik

                                                      LANDING  SITE        A11S1n1ed engine fallull'! ra• per FH   1,00x1(1'
                                                                         h t nl~ed
                                                A»umed  hi!llht         probabiltyof
                                                            expo§Ure   fll&htl~l!lfrolll
                                          Selfnent:sof   or helf.hl b,nd   startdt»;~ff   unsuc01Roful   Sesment r1P:   C1.Hn,1l.-tlve   Comm«it on e$11mlll1on of
                                            fl\[ht   ~,   AO   Olh«   tlm,e   forced IJ,ndlnf.lf   faictor   rllkperfllf.hl   1,1nAJcceffl!JO(.ltcome
                                                                  toerw:l of
                                                lflwl (Mill h1 ft       f! nfiinl!lfalislnthis
                                                             (ins)   1oee:ment{lnsl
                                                                                             T-0 aboned  bl!lor@ b@lna
                                                  O h         10    20    0.01"'   s.5ox 10'-.   S.SlhlOu
                                           groood rCII   '                                  Run1o10ylonge1"10ugti to stop the
                                           Olmb-ol.(   0-SO tt   •        0,10,.,   2.22l!l0' 11   Z.78 Kl0 11   Alrtrift ,borts T-O.;ind liiodS
                                                       '            "                        ahe-..dwlthlnrur'Ml~~gth
                                                 50-200 1t    10          l.(ll"   2.7Sxl0- 11   3.06• 10· 1 1>   available.
                                                       '            "
                                                                                             alrfl@ld  with  ltt l! h!lflht  for
                                                200·1 lOO ft   ~ v<   "   74   100,00,.   1,00)110" 1   1.00.10·'   Arcraft hils to l;md ahe.idoul5lde
                                                1100•2 000 It      110          5.00)110'   1.501110'   U•turn and land Ing at oppcislf!
                                                       '      "          """"               ,q-cod• for magnetic h~lrc CJI a
                                                2000-400() ft   80              5.56ll la'   2.061110-'   runwaytQFUI po.uible.
                                                       '           ""     """"
                                          Olmbina toen                                      Alrcrafta!)jetoope-ateaglide-in
                                                4000-1000(11   X   240   430   5.00"   3.331.10"   2.39 •  10" 7
                                          roLJ:ehe~ht   '                                       approach
                                           Cru"tslrg:                           7.50:,c 10" 7   9.891110· 1   En routeC11.1islrg tiTiewith
                                                 i'10000 ft   5400   5830
                                           emer,:ency   '                 '"""              available l.andlrwsltesalorw the
                                          area aval lab le                                   routewlth\-1 glidirw range.
                                           emergt!ncy                                        En route crulslna tlme wk hout
                                                 SlOOOO fi   X     6130   100,00"   a331110" 7   l.8h10◄   aval!able laridlrw sltes wlthri
                                           are.r, NOT                                          glid\igianif'.
                                           °'=51;~t t1;1
                                                10000-400-0 ft                               Dt!'Seent with avail!iblelandina
                                          appro.,ch f tic
                                                ona4'$1~     300   6430         4.1711 la'   l.J:1611 :ur'   s rtes wlthlngWdingran~ and
                                          for1o:.1rumen1   '              '"""
                                                tt200 it/mlnl                                (l~inatJonnQI  r.eachab le.
                                           below the
                                                                                            Alrmft du~rd$ b~ow t he hf!ight
                                          u,pablity to
                                                4 000-1000 ft                                n~i,:I "IQ  maintain a gli:le
                                           11!1upfora   ""~.   150   .,.,       2.(1:11110-'   2.0711:ur'   approach fo r reach\ig t heairfleld
                                           ., ......   il)PfOfch   '      ""'"               Therri"ore, It m;i,y I arid  short of
                                                                                              airl~d if 4!f'l!llnefais.
                                           lOOO fi ona
                                           Ahcraft   1000-SO fi o n                          Airt~ ft am.rt11M 3" g~dl!slqie,
                                          dHCend.rnna   approach at   [X  X  95   6675   100.00"   2.641110" 1   2.34.1110◄   regaini,:I I Q en5Ure nQm1al
                                          :r'approach   120kt                                landir-.i:. Therefore, 11  may
                                            '"'   {£00 ft/ mlnJ                              under;hoot the laridlfW field  ~
                                                                                             4!1"1g1ne fa~ut  this litl!l ~u,e.
                                                     v(  X
                                                                                            Airc~ft off!'rul'IWay.Ef'l!lineHto
                                                 SO ft above
                                                                                            be idli,:I anyway, blf falire, whlle
                                           unding   thr~holdu~tlt   '   10   6685   S,(K)"   l,3911.l~   2.34.1110"   alrbcw-r,e,  miysocpr\s,e p•ot and
                                                                                              result In hard landlna.
                                                                                            AIT"O"aft Cl1111:1und. Riik. negliJ,ible,
                                           ~indlna   Touchdown to               4.17 ~ 10-U   If eng:1ne sttVJ oo the,e;,c;i,mple
                                           grwnd r~    '      15   6700   O.Ol"        2.34 ~ 10"'   rurrway (~ lof'l!ljpro.-ldirf;that
                                                                                              ii Sl!:1'ri~ure r1!-tal~d.
                                                                                       L2hl0"   RI§~  perfile:ht
                                                        Probability in ¾         De:scription
                                                            0                    Impossible
                                                           0-1            Negligible likelihood/remote possibility
                                                           1-10                Possible but not likely
                                                           10-35                Moderately likely
                                                           35-65                  Possible
                                                           65-90                   Likely
                                                           90-99                Almost certain
                                                           99-100                 Cena in
             SPA.SET-IMC.105(d)(4) AMC1  SET-IMC operations approval
                                      CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES
                                      When a risk period is used during the take-off or landing phase, the contingency procedures should
                                      include appropriate information for the crew on the path to be followed after an engine failure in order
                                      to minimise to the greatest extent possible the risk to people on the ground.
             SPA.SET-IMC.110         Equipment requirements for SET-IMC operations
                                      Aeroplanes used for SET-IMC operations shall be equipped with all the following equipment:
                                          (a) two separate electrical generating systems, each one capable of supplying adequate
                                              power to all essential flight instruments, navigation systems and aeroplane systems
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