Page 653 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 653
~ Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations n trik
wearing of warm clothing under the suit is recommended.
(5) Whatever type of survival suit and other clothing is provided, it should not be
forgotten that significant heat loss can occur from the head.
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4.. l.,gcaUor, &~ aidal'Comms
3. Clotllinv S. Tr&Nng
Mliftft• teae..,. fadllldaa
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Pnyi1gr ~"
2. Capllbilly - Waattwr
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3. 1!lj1.lry -•~
3. T"-mlng
Llf•ladcet p11rfc:nnanc■: Woathtlr ICOfldrtions~
1. Fk>ta.Oan - s.. Sta'lto
2. Spray p~on -", NightfFog
lm(Twttj;IICl"lpn;,41~ Sul"ll'lvciralda
dd.hlng perionnanca: 1. Loca::k>n and commuricatlon
1. W..,. HdWk>n 2. u •. ,.ru..1c.
2. haulallon
Figure 1: The survival equation
Table 1: Timescale within whidl the most vu lnerable individuals are likety to succu mb to the
prevailing conditions.
aothing Beaufort wind Times w ithin w hich the most vu lnerable individuals
assemblv force to drown
(wat er t emp 5 •q (water temp 13 °C)
Worlting 0 - 2 Within¼ hour Within 1 '¾ hours
d otl1es
3 -4 With in ½ hour Within ½ hour
(no immersion
suit) 5 and above Significantl'y less ttlan ½ hour Significa ntly less than K hour
Immersion suit 0 - 2 May well exceed 3 hours May well exceed 3 hours
worn over
workir1g 3 -4 Within 2 ¾ hours May well exceed 3 hours
d otl1es (with
lea kage iraside 5 and above Sigraifica ratly les.s than 2 ¼ May well exceed 3 hours
suit) hours. May well exceed 1
NCC.IDE.H.227 Life-rafts, survival ELTs and survival equipment on extended overwater flights
Helicopters operated:
(a) on a flight over water at a distance from land corresponding to more than 10 minutes
flying time at normal cruising speed, where in the case of the critical engine failure, the
helicopter is able to sustain level flight; or
(b) on a flight over water at a distance corresponding to more than 3 minutes flying time at
normal cruising speed, where in the case of the critical engine failure, the helicopter is not
able to sustain level flight, and if so determined by the pilot-in-command by means of a
risk assessment;
shall be equipped with:
(1) in the case of a helicopter carrying less than 12 persons, at least one life-raft with a
rated capacity of not less than the maximum number of persons on board, stowed
so as to facilitate their ready use in emergency;
(2) in the case of a helicopter carrying more than 11 persons, at least two life-rafts,
stowed so as to facilitate their ready use in an emergency, sufficient together to
accommodate all persons capable of being carried on board and, if one is lost the
remaining life-raft(s) having the overload capacity sufficient to accommodate all
persons on the helicopter;
(3) at least one survival ELT (ELT(S)) for each required life-raft; and
(4) life-saving equipment, including means of sustaining life, as appropriate to the flight
to be undertaken.
NCC.IDE.H.227 AMC1 Life-rafts, survival ELTs and survival equipment on extended overwater flights
(a) Each required life-raft should conform to the following specifications:
(1) be of an approved design and stowed so as to facilitate their ready use in an
(2) be radar conspicuous to standard airborne radar equipment;
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