Page 660 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
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  ~          Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft

                                              GENERAL REGULATION INFORMATION
             Name            ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
             Description     Annex VII to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 laying down
                             technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations pursuant to
                             Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council

                                                REGULATION ITEMS BY SECTION

                                           SUBPART A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (GEN)
                     Reference       Description
             NCO.GEN.100(b) GM1      Competent authority
                                      DETERMINING THE PLACE WHERE AN OPERATOR IS RESIDING
                                      For the purpose of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, the concept of ‘place where the operator is residing’
                                      is mainly addressed to a natural person.
                                      The place where the operator resides is the place where the operator complies with his or her tax
                                      Several criteria can be used to help determining a person’s place of residence. These include, for
                                          (a)  the duration of a person’s presence on the territory of the countries concerned;
                                          (b)  the person’s family status and ties;
                                          (c)  the person’s housing situation and how permanent it is;
                                          (d)  the place where the person pursues professional or non-profit activities;
                                          (e)  the characteristics of the person’s professional activity;
                                           (f) the Member State where the person resides for taxation purposes.
             NCO.GEN.101             Means of compliance
                                      Alternative means of compliance to those adopted by the CAA may be used by an operator to
                                      establish compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
             NCO.GEN.103             Introductory flights
                                      Introductory flights referred to in Article 6(4a)(c) of this Regulation when conducted in accordance
                                      with this Annex, shall:
                                          (a)  start and end at the same aerodrome or operating site;
                                          (b)  be operated under VFR by day;
                                          (c)  be overseen by a nominated person responsible for their safety; and
                                          (d)  comply with any other conditions stipulated by the CAA.
             NCO.GEN.104             Use of aircraft included in an AOC by an NCO operator
                                          (a)  An NCO operator may use other than complex motor-powered aircraft listed on an
                                              operator's AOC to conduct non-commercial operations in accordance with this Annex.
                                          (b)  The NCO operator using the aircraft in accordance with point (a) shall establish a
                                              (1)  clearly describing how operational control of the aircraft is transferred between the
                                                  AOC holder and the NCO operator, as referred to in point ORO.GEN.310 of Annex
                                              (2) describing the handover procedure of the aircraft upon its return to the AOC holder.
                                              That procedure shall be included in a contract between the AOC holder and the NCO
                                              The NCO operator shall ensure that the procedure is communicated to the relevant
                                          (c)  The continuing airworthiness of the aircraft used pursuant to point (a) shall be managed
                                              by organisation responsible for the continuing airworthiness for the aircraft included in the
                                              AOC, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.
                                          (d)  The NCO operator using the aircraft in accordance with point (a) shall ensure the
                                              (1) that every flight conducted under its operational control is recorded in the aircraft
                                                  technical log system;
                                              (2) that no changes to the aircraft systems or configuration are made;
                                              (3) that any defect or technical malfunction occurring while the aircraft is under its
                                                  operational control is reported to the organisation referred to in point (c) immediately
                                                  after the flight;
                                              (4) that the AOC holder receives a copy of any occurrence report related to the flights
                                                  performed with the aircraft, completed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No
                                                  376/2014 and Regulation (EU) 2015/1018.
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