Page 675 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 675

~          Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
                                                                                                               n trik

                                                   ft             RVR/CMV(m)
                                                   200       210   550    750    1000    1200
                                                   211       220   550    800    1000    1200
                                                   221       230   550    800    1000    1200
                                                   231       240   550    800    1000    1200
                                                   241       250   550    800    1000    1300
                                                   251       260   600    800    1100    1300
                                                   261       280   600    900    1100    1300
                                                   281       300   650    900    1200    1400
                                                   301       320   700    1 000   1200   1400
                                                   321       340   800    1 100   1300   1500
                                                   341       360   900    1 200   1400   1600
                                                   361       380   1000   1300   1500    1 700
                                                   381       400   1100   1 400   1600   1800
                                                   401       420   1200   1500   1700    1900
                                                   421       440   1300   1 600   1800   2 000
                                                   441       460   1400   1700   1900    2100
                                                   461       480   1500   1 800   2000   2 200
                                                   481       500   1500   1 800   2100   2 300
                                                   501   -   520   1600   1900    2100   2400
                                                   521       540   1700   2000    2 200   2400
                                                   541       560   1800   2100    2300   2 500
                                                   561       580   1900   2 200   2400   2 600
                                                   581       600   2000   2 300   2 500   2 700
                                                   601       620   2 100   2 400   2 600   2 800
                                                   621       640   2 200   2 500   2 700   2 900
                                                   641       660   2300   2 600   2800   3 000
                                                   661       680   2400   2 700   2900   3100
                                                   681       700   2 500   2 800   3000   3 200
                                                   701       720   2 600   2 900   3100   3 300
                                                   721       740   2 700   3000   3 200   3400
                                                   741       760   2 700   3000   3300   3 500
                                                   761       800   2900   3200    3400   3 600
                                                   801       850   3100   3400    3 600   3 800
                                                   851       900   3300   3600    3800   4 000
                                                   901       950   3 600   3900   4100   4 300
                                                   951       1 000   3800   4100   4 300   4 500
                                                   1001      1 100   4100   4400   4 600   4 900
                                                   1101      1 200   4 600   4900   5000   5 000
                                                   1 201 and abcrve   5000   5 000   5000   5 000
                                                   Table 3.A: CAT I, APV,  NPA - aeroplanes
                                                   Minimum and ma:dmum applicable RVR/CMV (lowe.r and upper cut-off limits)
                                                   Facility/conditions   RVR/CMV   Aeroplane categorv
                                                                          A     B     C    D
                                                   llS, MlS, GLS, PAR,
                                                                  Min     According to Table 2
                                                   GNSS/SBAS, G NSS/VNAV
                                                                  Max     1500   1500   2400   2 400
                                                   NOB, NDB/DME, VOR,   Min   750   750   750   750
                                                   VOR/llME, LOC, LOC/DME,
                                                   VllF, SRA, GNSS/LNAV with a   Max   1500   1500   2 400   2 400
                                                   procedure that fulfi Is the
                                                   criteria in GM3 NCO.OP.110
                                                   For NOB, NDB/DME, VOR,   Min   1 000   1000   1 200   1200
                                                   VOR/llME, LOC, LOC/DME,
                                                   VllF, SRA, GNSS/LNAV:   Max   According to Table 2 if flown using the CDFA
                                                   -  not   fulfilling   the   tedmique, otherwise an add-on of 200/400 m
                                                                          applies to the values in Table 2 but not to
                                                      criteria   in   GM3
                                                      NCO.OP.110 (a)(2), or   result in a value exceeding 5 000 m.
                                                   -  with  a  DH  or  MDH
                                                      ~ 1200 ft
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