Page 693 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 693
~ Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
nine shall be equipped with a TAWS that meets the requirements for:
(a) class A equipment, as specified in an acceptable standard, in the case of aeroplanes for
which the individual certificate of airworthiness (CofA) was first issued after 1 January
2011; or
(b) class B equipment, as specified in an acceptable standard, in the case of aeroplanes for
which the individual CofA was first issued on or before 1 January 2011.
NCO.IDE.A.130 AMC1 Terrain awareness warning system (TAWS)
The requirement for a Class A TAWS to provide a warning to the flight crew for excessive
downwards glideslope deviation should apply to all final approach glideslopes with angular vertical
navigation (VNAV) guidance, whether provided by the instrument landing system (ILS), microwave
landing system (MLS), satellite-based augmentation system approach procedure with vertical
guidance (SBAS APV (localiser performance with vertical guidance approach LPV)), ground-based
augmentation system (GBAS (GPS landing system, GLS)) or any other systems providing similar
guidance. The same requirement should not apply to systems providing vertical guidance based on
barometric VNAV.
NCO.IDE.A.130 GM1 Terrain awareness warning system (TAWS)
An acceptable standard for Class A and Class B TAWS may be the applicable European Technical
Standards Order (ETSO) issued by the Agency or equivalent.
NCO.IDE.A.135 Flight crew interphone system
Aeroplanes operated by more than one flight crew member shall be equipped with a flight crew
interphone system, including headsets and microphones for use by all flight crew members.
NCO.IDE.A.135 AMC1 Flight crew interphone system
(a) The flight crew interphone system should not be of a handheld type.
(b) A headset consists of a communication device that includes two earphones to receive
and a microphone to transmit audio signals to the aeroplane’s communication system.
To comply with the minimum performance requirements, the earphones and microphone
should match the communication system’s characteristics and the flight crew
compartment environment. The headset should be adequately adjustable in order to fit
the pilot’s head. Headset boom microphones should be of the noise cancelling type.
(c) If the intention is to utilise noise cancelling earphones, the pilot-in-command should
ensure that the earphones do not attenuate any aural warnings or sounds necessary for
alerting the flight crew on matters related to the safe operation of the aeroplane.
NCO.IDE.A.135 GM1 Flight crew interphone system
The term ‘headset’ includes any aviation helmet incorporating headphones and microphone worn by
a flight crew member.
NCO.IDE.A.140 Seats, seat safety belts, restraint systems and child restraint devices
(a) Aeroplanes shall be equipped with:
(1) a seat or berth for each person on board who is aged 24 months or more;
(2) a seat belt on each seat and restraining belts for each berth;
(3) a child restraint device (CRD) for each person on board younger than 24 months;
(4) a seat belt with upper torso restraint system on each flight crew seat, having a
single point release for aeroplanes having a CofA first issued on or after 25 August
NCO.IDE.A.140 AMC1 Seats, seat safety belts, restraint systems and child restraint devices
(a) A CRD is considered to be acceptable if:
(1) it is a supplementary loop belt manufactured with the same techniques and the
same materials as the approved safety belts; or
(2) it complies with (b).
(b) Provided the CRD can be installed properly on the respective aircraft seat, the following
CRDs are considered acceptable:
(1) CRDs approved for use in aircraft according to the European Technical Standard
Order ETSO-C100c on Aviation Child Safety Device (ACSD).
(2) Child seats approved by EASA through a Type Certificate or Supplemental Type
(i) UN Standard ECE R44-04 (or 03), or ECE R129 bearing the respective
‘ECE R’ label; and
(ii) German ‘Qualification Procedure for Child Restraint Systems for Use in
Aircraft’ (TÜV/958-01/2001) bearing the label ‘For Use in Aircraft’; or
(iii) Other technical standard acceptable to the competent authority. The child
seat should hold a qualification sign that it can be used in aircraft.
(3) Child seats approved for use in motor vehicles on the basis of the technical
standard specified in (i). The child seat must be also approved for use in aircraft on
the basis of the technical standard specified in either point (ii) or point (iii):.
(4) Child seats approved for use in motor vehicles and aircraft according to Canadian
CMVSS 213/213.1.
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