Page 704 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 704
~ Regulation NCO - ANNEX VII - Non-Commercial Operations with Non-Complex Motor Powered Aircraft
Examples may be the following:
(1) portable electronic flight bag (EFB);
(2) portable electronic devices carried by crew members; and
(3) non-installed passenger entertainment equipment.
NCO.IDE.H.105 Minimum equipment for flight
A flight shall not be commenced when any of the helicopter’s instruments, items of equipment or
functions required for the intended flight are inoperative or missing, unless:
(a) the helicopter is operated in accordance with the MEL, if established; or
(b) the helicopter is subject to a permit to fly issued in accordance with the applicable
airworthiness requirements.
NCO.IDE.H.115 Operating lights
Helicopters operated at night shall be equipped with:
(a) an anti-collision light system;
(b) navigation/position lights;
(c) a landing light;
(d) lighting supplied from the helicopter’s electrical system to provide adequate illumination
for all instruments and equipment essential to the safe operation of the helicopter;
(e) lighting supplied from the helicopter’s electrical system to provide illumination in all
passenger compartments;
(f) an independent portable light for each crew member station; and
(g) lights to conform with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea if the
helicopter is amphibious.
NCO.IDE.H.115 AMC1 Operating lights
The landing light should be trainable, at least in the vertical plane, or optionally be an additional fixed
light or lights positioned to give a wide spread of illumination.
NCO.IDE.H.120 Operations under VFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment
(a) Helicopters operated under VFR by day shall be equipped with a means of measuring
and displaying the following:
(1) magnetic heading;
(2) time in hours, minutes and seconds;
(3) barometric altitude;
(4) indicated airspeed; and
(5) slip.
(b) Helicopters operated under VMC at night, or when the visibility is less than 1 500 m, or in
conditions where the helicopter cannot be maintained in a desired flight path without
reference to one or more additional instruments, shall be, in addition to (a), equipped
(1) a means of measuring and displaying the following:
(i) attitude;
(ii) vertical speed; and
(iii) stabilised heading; and
(2) a means of indicating when the supply of power to the gyroscopic instruments is
not adequate.
(c) Helicopters operated when the visibility is less than 1 500 m, or in conditions where the
helicopter cannot be maintained in a desired flight path without reference to one or more
additional instruments, shall be, in addition to (a) and (b), equipped with a means of
preventing malfunction of the airspeed indicating system required in (a)(4) due to
condensation or icing.
NCO.IDE.H.120&NCO.IDE.H.125 Operations under VFR & operations under IFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated
AMC1 equipment
(a) Individual equipment requirements may be met by combinations of instruments, by
integrated flight systems or by a combination of parameters on electronic displays. The
information so available to each required pilot should not be less than that required in the
applicable operational requirements, and the equivalent safety of the installation should
be approved during type certification of the helicopter for the intended type of operation.
(b) The means of measuring and indicating turn and slip, helicopter attitude and stabilised
helicopter heading may be met by combinations of instruments or by integrated flight
director systems, provided that the safeguards against total failure, inherent in the three
separate instruments, are retained.
NCO.IDE.H.120(a) Operations under VFR & operations under IFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated
(1)&NCO.IDE.H.125(a)(1) AMC1 equipment
The means of measuring and displaying magnetic direction should be a magnetic compass or
NCO.IDE.H.120(a) Operations under VFR & operations under IFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated
(2)&NCO.IDE.H.125(a)(2) AMC1 equipment
20th November 2021 704 of 856