Page 726 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 726

  ~          Regulation SPO - ANNEX VIII - Specialised Operations                                            Centrik

             SPO.GEN.107(c) AMC1     Pilot-in-command responsibilities and authority
                                      REPORTING OF HAZARDOUS FLIGHT CONDITIONS
                                          (a)  These reports should include any detail which may be pertinent to the safety of other
                                          (b)  Such reports should be made whenever any of the following conditions are encountered or
                                              (1)  severe turbulence;
                                              (2)  severe icing;
                                              (3)  severe mountain wave;
                                              (4)  thunderstorms, with or without hail, that are obscured, embedded, widespread or in
                                                 squall lines;
                                              (5)  heavy dust storm or heavy sandstorm;
                                              (6)  volcanic ash cloud; and
                                              (7)  unusual and/or increasing volcanic activity or a volcanic eruption.
                                          (c)  When other meteorological conditions not listed above, e.g. wind shear, are encountered
                                             that, in the opinion of the pilot-in-command, may affect the safety or the efficiency of other
                                             aircraft operations, the pilot-in-command should advise the appropriate air traffic services
                                             (ATS) unit as soon as >practicable.
             SPO.GEN.107(e) AMC1     Pilot-in-command responsibilities and authority
                                      VIOLATION REPORTING
                                      If required by the State in which the incident occurs, the pilot-in-command should submit a report on
                                      any such violation to the appropriate authority of the said State; in that event, the pilot-in-command
                                      should also submit a copy of it to the competent authority. Such reports should be submitted as soon
                                      as possible and normally within 10 days.
             SPO.GEN.110             Compliance with laws, regulations and procedures
                                      The pilot-in-command, crew members and task specialists shall comply with the laws, regulations and
                                      procedures of those States where operations are conducted.
             SPO.GEN.115             Common language
                                      The operator shall ensure that all crew members and task specialists are able to communicate with
                                      each other in a common language.
             SPO.GEN.119             Taxiing of aircraft
                                      The operator shall establish procedures for taxiing of aircraft in order to ensure safe operation and in
                                      order to enhance runway safety.
             SPO.GEN.119 AMC1        Taxiing of aircraft
                                      PROCEDURES FOR TAXIING
                                      Procedures for taxiing should include at least the following:
                                          (a)  application of sterile flight deck crew compartment procedures:
                                          (b)  use of standard radio-telephony (RTF) phraseology;
                                          (c)  use of lights;
                                          (d)  measures to enhance the situational awareness of the pilot-in-command. The following list
                                             of typical items should be adapted by the operator to take into account its operational
                                              (1)  the pilot-in-command should have the necessary aerodrome layout charts available;
                                              (2)  if applicable, the pilot taxiing the aircraft should announce in advance his/her
                                                 intentions to the pilot monitoring;
                                              (3)  if applicable, all taxi clearances should be heard, and should be understood by the
                                                 pilot- in-command;
                                              (4)  if applicable, all taxi clearances should be cross-checked against the aerodrome
                                                 chart and aerodrome surface markings, signs and lights;
                                              (5)  an aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area should stop and hold at all lighted stop
                                                 bars, and may proceed further when an explicit clearance to enter or cross the
                                                 runway has been issued by the aerodrome control tower, and when the stop bar
                                                 lights are switched off;
                                              (6)  if the pilot-in-command is unsure of his/her position, he/she should stop the aircraft
                                                 and contact air traffic control;
                                              (7)  any action, which may disturb the pilot-in-command from the taxi activity, should be
                                                 avoided or done with the parking brake set.
             SPO.GEN.119 AMC1        Taxiing of aircraft
                                      PROCEDURES FOR TAXIING
                                      Procedures for taxiing should include at least the following:
                                          (a)  application of sterile flight deck crew compartment procedures:
                                          (b)  use of standard radio-telephony (RTF) phraseology;
                                          (c)  use of lights;
                                          (d)  measures to enhance the situational awareness of the pilot-in-command. The following list
                                             of typical items should be adapted by the operator to take into account its operational
                                              (1)  the pilot-in-command should have the necessary aerodrome layout charts available;
                                              (2)  if applicable, the pilot taxiing the aircraft should announce in advance his/her
                                                 intentions to the pilot monitoring;
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