Page 751 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 751

~          Regulation SPO - ANNEX VIII - Specialised Operations                                              n trik

                                      241       1.50   550   800     1000    1300
                                      251       260   600    800     1100    1300
                                      261       280   600    900     1 100   1300
                                      281       300   650    900     1200    1400
                                      301       320   700    1 000   1 200   1 400
                                      321       340   800    1 100   1300    1 500
                                      341       360   900    1 200   1400    1 600
                                      361       380   1 000   1 300   1500   1 700
                                      381       400   1 100   1 400   1600   1800
                                      401       420   1 200   1500   1700    1 900
                                      421       440   1 300   1 600   1800   2000
                                      441       460   1400   1 700   1 900   2 100
                                      461       480   1500   1 800   2000    2 200
                                      481       500   1500   1 800   2 100   2 300
                                      501       51.0   1 600   1 900   2 100   2400
                                      521       540   1700   2000    2200    2400

                                      DH or MO H      aass of lighting facility
                                                      FALS   IALS    BALS    NALS
                                                      See Id), le), lh) above for RVR < 750/800 rn
                                      ft              RVR/CMV lm)
                                      541       560   1 800   2100   2300    2 500
                                      561       580   1900   2200    2400    2 600
                                      581       600   2 000   1.300   2 500   2 700
                                      601       620   2 100   2400   2600    2800
                                      621       640   2 200   2 500   2 700   2900
                                      641       660   2 300   2600   2800    3000
                                      661       680   2 400   1.  700   2900   3 100
                                      681       700   2 500   2800   3000    3 200
                                      701       720   2 600   2900   3 100   3 300
                                      721       740   2 700   3000   3 200   3400
                                      741       760   2 700   3000   3300    3 500
                                      761       800   2 900   3200   3400    3 600
                                      801       850   3 100   3 400   3 600   3 800
                                      851       900   3 300   3600   3800    4 000
                                      901       950   3 600   3900   4100    4 300
                                      951       1 000   3 800   4 100   4 300   4 500
                                      1001      1100   4 100   4 400   4 600   4 900
                                      1101      1 200   4 600   4 900   5 000   5000
                                      1 201 and above   5 000   5 000   5000   5000
                                      Table 4.A: CAT I, APV, NPA - aeroplanes
                                      Minimum and maximum applicable RVR/CMV (lower and upper cut-off limits )
                                      Fadl ity / conditions   RVR/CMV   Aeroplane cat egory
                                                               A     B     C     D
                                      ll.S, ML.S, GLS,  PAR, GNSS/SBAS,   Min   According to Table 3
                                                       Max     1500   1500   2400,   2400
                                      NOB, NDB/ DME, VOR,   Min   750   750   750   750
                                      VOR/DM E, LOC, LOC/DME, VDF,
                                      SRA, G NSS/LNAV with a   Max   1500   1500   2400   2 400
                                      procedure that fu lfils the
                                      criteria in AMC6 SPO.OP.110
                                      For NDB,  NDB/DME, VOR,   Min   1 000   1 000   1 200   1 200
                                      VOR/D ME, LOC, LOC/DME, VDF,
                                      SRA, G NSS/LNAV:   Max   According to Table 3, if flown usi11g the
                                      -  not fulfilling the criteria in   CDFA technique, otherwis.e an ad d-on of
                                                               200/400 rn applie, to the values in Table 3
                                         AMC6 SPO.OP.110 (a)(2).,
                                                               but not to result in a value exceeding
                                                               5 000 rn .
                                      -  with  a  DH  or  MOH
                                         ~ 1 200ft
             SPO.OP.110 AMC8         Aerodrome operating minima — aeroplanes and helicopters
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