Page 197 - UK ATM ANS Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part PERS - ANNEX XIII - Requirements for Service Providers Concerning
                                  Personnel Training and Competence Assessment

             ATSEP.OR.200 G M 2      Training requirements General
                                      STRUCTURE SYLLABI
                                      Guidance material on how to read the tables in the appendices contained in this Subpart A of ANNEX
                                      XIII is provided in Appendix 5a.
             ATSEP.OR.200(a) G M 1   Training requirements General
                                      BASIC TRAINING
                                      For the purpose of this section, ‘basic training’ is understood as being training designed to impart
                                      fundamental knowledge of the service provider’s operational environment.
                                      QUALIFICATION TRAINING
                                      For the purpose of this section, ‘qualification training’ is understood as being training designed to
                                      impart knowledge and skills appropriate to the qualification stream to be pursued in the service
                                      provider’s operational environment.
                                      SYSTEM/EQUIPMENT RATING TRAINING
                                      For the purpose of this section, ‘system/equipment rating training’ is understood as being training
                                      designed to impart system/equipment-related knowledge and skills leading towards operational
                                      CONTINUATION TRAINING
                                      For the purpose of this section, ‘continuation training’ is understood as being training designed to
                                      maintain and/or augment existing knowledge and skills related to the ATSEP assigned responsibilities
                                      and duties.
             ATSEP.OR.205            Basic training
                                           (a)  The basic training of ATSEPs shall comprise:
                                               (1) the subjects, topics, and sub-topics contained in Appendix 1 (Basic training
                                               (2) where relevant to service provider's activities, the subjects contained in Appendix 2
                                                  (Basic training Streams).
                                           (b)  A service provider may determine the most suitable educational requirements for its
                                              candidate ATSEP and, consequently, adapt the number and/or level of subjects, topics or
                                              sub-topics referred to in point (a) where relevant.
             ATSEP.OR.205 GM1        Basic training
                                      MINIMUM TRAINING
                                      The basic training contained within the requirement is the minimum training that needs to be followed
                                      by all who aim at becoming ATSEP. However, service providers may decide to add additional
                                      subjects or topics that may be specific to their national or local environment.
                                      COMPOSITION OF COURSES
                                      Basic training may be provided as a stand-alone course or as part of a larger initial training course
                                      (i.e. basic plus qualification training).
             ATSEP.OR.205(a) AMC1    Basic training
                                      The selection of the subjects, topics, and sub-topics should be tailored to:
                                           (a)  the duties of the ATSEP regarding the service provider’s activities; and
                                           (b)  prior experience and education of the candidate ATSEP.
             ATSEP.OR.205(a)(1) AMC1  Basic training
                                      The objectives contained in Appendix 1a to this AMC should be included in the basic training course.
             ATSEP.OR.205(a)(2) AMC1  Basic training
                                      The topics, sub-topics and objectives contained in Appendix 2a to this AMC should be included in the
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