Page 318 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 318
Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing
FCL.APP3 GM1 Example of a grading system for practical flight training during ATP, CPL and MPL courses grading system
An ATPL/CPL/MPL grading system may be developed by using the grading system in GM3 FCL.735.A.
(a) GENERAL The training objective of the basic UPRT exercises is for the student to achieve
competence in applying prevention and recovery techniques. In order to meet the training
objectives, some UPRT exercises will involve operation at altitudes, speeds and g-loadings
that are not required for other parts of the training course. When designing training
courses, ATOs should ensure that the aircraft used for these exercises will allow the
training objectives to be achieved while maintaining a margin of safety to aircraft limitations
in accordance with the training envelope, as determined by the ATO (see GM1
ORA.ATO.125 point (f)).
(b) UPRT WITH REFERENCE TO INSTRUMENTS Basic UPRT exercises completed by
reference to instruments (i.e. in simulated instrument meteorological conditions (IMC))
should involve only moderate excursions from the speeds and attitudes used in normal
instrument flight. Exercises conducted in IMC should not be planned to involve ‘unusual
(c) INSTRUCTORS DELIVERING BASIC UPRT Instructors conducting basic UPRT training
during the CPL or ATP course do not require any additional qualifications. It is the
responsibility of the ATO to ensure that instructors are competent to deliver effective
training on all parts of the course and also that they are competent to recover the aircraft in
the event that a student erroneously conducts any UPRT exercise.
recovery training exercises as well as nose-high and nose-low prevention training
exercises use the recovery strategies recommended by the OEMs contained in Tables 1, 2
and 3 below.
Note: As OEM procedures always take precedence over the general strategies as
recommended by the OEMs, ATOs should consult the OEM on whether any approved
specific procedures are available prior to using the templates. Refer to revision 3 of the
Airplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Aid (AUPRTA) for a detailed explanation
and rationale of nosehigh and noselow recovery strategies as recommended by the OEMs.
(e) Specific guidance on UPRT is available in the latest revision of ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on
Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training’. GM1 to Appendix 3 Example of a
grading system for practical flight training during ATP, CPL and MPL courses grading
system An ATPL/CPL/MPL grading system may be developed by using the grading system
in GM3 FCL.735.A.
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