Page 376 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 376
Part MED - ANNEX IV - Medical
(i) symptomatic hypotension;
(ii) blood pressure at examination consistently exceeding 160 mmHg systolic or
95 mmHg diastolic, with or without treatment.
(4) Applicants who have commenced the use of medication for the control of blood
pressure shall be assessed as unfit until the absence of significant side effects has
been established.
(d) Coronary Artery Disease
(1) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 1
medical certificate with any of the following medical conditions shall be referred to
the medical assessor of the CAA and undergo cardiological evaluation to exclude
myocardial ischaemia:
(i) suspected myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) asymptomatic minor coronary artery disease requiring no anti-anginal
(2) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2
medical certificate with any of the medical conditions set out in point (1) shall
undergo satisfactory cardiological evaluation.
(3) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) symptomatic coronary artery disease;
(iii) symptoms of coronary artery disease controlled by medication.
(4) Applicants for the initial issue of a class 1 medical certificate with a medical history
or diagnosis of any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) myocardial ischaemia;
(ii) myocardial infarction;
(iii) revascularisation or stenting for coronary artery disease.
(5) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2
medical certificate who are asymptomatic following myocardial infarction or surgery
for coronary artery disease shall undergo satisfactory cardiological evaluation, in
consultation with the medical assessor of the CAA. Such applicants for the
revalidation of a class 1 medical certificate shall be referred to the medical
assessor of the CAA.
(e) Rhythm/Conduction Disturbances
(1) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions shall be assessed as unfit:
(i) symptomatic sinoatrial disease;
(ii) complete atrioventricular block;
(iii) symptomatic QT prolongation;
(iv) an automatic implantable defibrillating system;
(v) a ventricular anti-tachycardia pacemaker.
(2) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 1
medical certificate havingany significant disturbance of cardiac conduction or
rhythm, including any of the following, shall be referred to the medical assessor of
the CAA:
(i) disturbance of supraventricular rhythm, including intermittent or established
sinoatrial dysfunction, atrial fibrillation and/or flutter and asymptomatic sinus
(ii) complete left bundle branch block;
(iii) Mobitz type 2 atrioventricular block;
(iv) broad and/or narrow complex tachycardia;
(v) ventricular pre-excitation;
(vi) asymptomatic QT prolongation;
(vii) Brugada pattern on electrocardiography.
(3) Before further consideration is given to their application, applicants for a class 2
medical certificate with any of the medical conditions specified in point (2) shall
undergo satisfactory cardiological evaluation, in consultation with the medical
assessor of the CAA.
(4) Applicants with any of the following medical conditions may be assessed as fit
subject to satisfactory cardiological evaluation and in the absence of any other
(i) incomplete bundle branch block;
(ii) complete right bundle branch block;
(iii) stable left axis deviation;
(iv) asymptomatic sinus bradycardia;
(v) asymptomatic sinus tachycardia;
(vi) asymptomatic isolated uniform supra-ventricular or ventricular ectopic
(vii) first degree atrioventricular block;
(viii) Mobitz type 1 atrioventricular block.
(5) Applicants with a medical history of any of the following medical conditions shall
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