Page 444 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 444

Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

                                             ARA.GEN.200(2) may be selected from the following documents, as relevant to the
                                             particular duties and responsibilities of the inspector:
                                              (1)  ICAO Annex 1 ‘Personnel Licensing’;
                                              (2)  ICAO Annex 19 ‘Safety Management’;
                                              (3)  ICAO Doc 9841 ‘Manual on the Approval of Flight Crew Training Organisations’;
                                              (4)  ICAO Doc 9868 ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training’;
                                              (5)  ICAO Doc 9859 ‘Safety Management Manual’;
                                              (6)  ICAO Doc 9379 ‘Manual of Procedures for Establishment and Management of a
                                                 States Personnel Licensing System’;
                                              (7)  ICAO Doc 9625 ‘Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training
                                              (8)  ICAO Doc 9995 ‘Manual of Evidence-based Training’;
                                              (9)  ICAO Doc 10011 ‘Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training’;
                                             (10) ‘Airplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Aid’ (AUPRTA), Revision 3.
                                          (b)  A minimum of activities should be performed according to the initial training programme:
                                              (1)  observations; and
                                              (2)  inspections as a team member.
             ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) GM3   Management system
                                      The meaning of ‘relevant ratings and certificates appropriate to the level of the training conducted’, as
                                      used in AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2), is explained below:
                                           -  the range of activities in an ATO may vary from instructions for the simple singleengined
                                             aircraft to type training for CS25certified multipilot aircraft;
                                           -  in the context of the general approval of the ATO, experience in similar types or classes of
                                             aircraft is acceptable;
                                           -  the inspector has the instructional experience in the same or similar types or the same
                                             class of aircraft intended to be flown within the ATO (e.g. a type rating to assess the type
                                             training programmes); and
                                           -  the experience in CS25certified multipilot aircraft will not, for example, equip the inspector
                                             to assess the training programme in an ATO operating only singleengine piston (SEP)
                                             (land) aircraft; similarly,experience as a PPL instructor will not necessarily equip the
                                             inspector to assess a type training course for a CS25 aircraft; in both cases, additional
                                             appropriate training in the applicable environment is necessary.
             ARA.GEN.200(d) AMC1     Management System
                                      PROCEDURES AVAILABLE TO THE AGENCY
                                          (a)  Copies of the procedures related to the competent authority’s management system and
                                             their amendments to be made available to the Agency for the purpose of standardisation
                                             should provide at least the following information:
                                              (1)  Regarding continuing oversight functions undertaken by the competent authority, the
                                                 competent authority’s organisational structure with description of the main
                                                 processes. This information should demonstrate the allocation of responsibilities
                                                 within the competent authority, and that the competent authority is capable of
                                                 carrying out the full range of tasks regarding the size and complexity of the Member
                                                 State’s aviation industry. It should also consider overall proficiency and authorisation
                                                 scope of competent authority personnel.
                                              (2)  For personnel involved in oversight activities, the minimum professional qualification
                                                 requirements and experience and principles guiding appointment (e.g. assessment).
                                              (3)  How the following are carried out: assessing applications and evaluating compliance,
                                                 of applications and declarations, issue of certificates, performance of continuing
                                                 oversight, follow-up of findings, enforcement measures and resolution of safety
                                              (4)  Principles of managing exemptions and derogations.
                                              (5)  Processes in place to disseminate applicable safety information for timely reaction to
                                                 a safety problem.
                                              (6)  Criteria for planning continuing oversight (oversight programme), including adequate
                                                 management of interfaces when conducting continuing oversight (air operations,
                                                 flight crew licensing, continuing airworthiness management for example).
                                              (7)  Outline of the initial training of newly recruited oversight personnel (taking future
                                                 activities into account), and the basic framework for continuation training of oversight
                                          (b)  As part of the continuous monitoring of a competent authority, the Agency may request
                                             details of the working methods used, in addition to the copy of the procedures of the
                                             competent authority’s management system (and amendments). These additional details
                                             are the procedures and related guidance material describing working methods for
                                             competent authority personnel conducting oversight.
                                          (c)  Information related to the competent authority’s management system may be submitted in
                                             electronic format.
             ARA.GEN.205             Allocation of tasks to qualified entities
                                          (a)  Tasks related to the initial certification or continuing oversight of persons or organisations
                                             subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules shall be allocated by
                                             CAA only to qualified entities. When allocating tasks, the CAA shall ensure that it has:
                                              (1)  a system in place to initially and continuously assess that the qualified entity
                                                 complies with Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008. This system and the results
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