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Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

                                      competent authorities with an indication of the level of the findings issued to a DTO. However, point
                                      ARA.GEN.350(e) must not be understood as a prohibition for competent authorities to inform other
                                      competent authorities about the level of a finding in such a case, if such finding levels are used by that
                                      competent authority on a voluntary basis.
             ARA.GEN.355             Findings and enforcement measures – persons
                                          (a)  If, during oversight or by any other means, evidence is found by the CAA responsible for
                                             oversight in accordance with ARA.GEN.300 that shows a non-compliance with the
                                             applicable requirements by a person holding a licence, certificate, rating or attestation
                                             issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, the
                                             CAA shall raise a finding, record it and communicate it in writing to the licence, certificate,
                                             rating or attestation holder.
                                          (b)  When such finding is raised, the CAA shall carry out an investigation. If the finding is
                                             confirmed, it shall:
                                              (1)  limit, suspend or revoke the licence, certificate, rating or attestation as applicable,
                                                 when a safety issue has been identified; and
                                              (2)  take any further enforcement measures necessary to prevent the continuation of the
                                          (c)  Where applicable, the CAA shall inform the person or organisation that issued the medical
                                             certificate or attestation.
                                          (e)  If, during oversight or by any other means, evidence is found showing a non-compliance
                                             with the applicable requirements by a person subject to the requirements laid down in
                                             Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules and not holding a licence,
                                             certificate, rating or attestation issued in accordance with that Regulation and its
                                             Implementing Rules, the CAA that identified the non-compliance shall take any
                                             enforcement measures necessary to prevent the continuation of that non-compliance.
             ARA.GEN.355(b)(1) GM1   Limitation, suspension or revocation of licences, ratings, certificates or attestations
                                      If the holder of a licence, rating, certificate or attestation does not or no longer comply with the
                                      applicable requirements, the competent authority, when acting in accordance with point
                                      ARA.GEN.355(b), should take enforcement measures which should be commensurate with the nature
                                      of the non-compliance. For example, if the training required for the issuing of the pilot licence was not
                                      fully completed as required, the competent authority may decide, subject to the amount and nature of
                                      the missing training elements, to suspend the licence in accordance with point ARA.FCL.250 until the
                                      missing training elements and a new skill test have been completed rather than revoking the licence.
             ARA.GEN.355(e) GM1      Findings and enforcement measures – persons
                                      This provision is necessary to ensure that enforcement measures will be taken also in cases where
                                      the competent authority may not act on the licence, certificate or attestation. The type of enforcement
                                      measure will depend on the applicable national law and may include for example the payment of a fine
                                      or the prohibition from exercising.
                                      It covers two cases:
                                          (a)  persons subject to the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its
                                             Implementing Rules who are not required to hold a licence, certificate or attestation - for
                                             example general medical practitioners (GMPs); and
                                          (b)  persons who are required to hold a licence, rating, certificate or attestation, but who do not
                                             hold the appropriate licence, rating, certificate or attestation as required for the activity they
             ARA.FCL.120             Record-keeping
                                      In addition to the records required in ARA.GEN.220(a), the CAA shall include in its system of record-
                                      keeping results of theoretical knowledge examinations and the assessments of pilots’ skills.
             ARA.FCL.200             Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate
                                          (b)  Issue of instructor and examiner certificates. The CAA shall issue an instructor or
                                              examiner certificate as:
                                              (1) an endorsement of the relevant privileges in the pilot licence as established in
                                                  Appendix I to this Part; or
                                              (2) a separate document, in a form and manner specified by the CAA.
                                          (c)  Endorsement of licences by examiners. Before specifically authorising an examiner to
                                              revalidate or renew ratings or certificates, the CAA shall develop appropriate procedures.
                                          (d)  Endorsement of licence by instructors. Before specifically authorising certain instructors
                                              to revalidate a single-engine piston or TMG class rating, the CAA shall develop appropriate
                                          (e)  Instructors for FI(B) or FI(S) certificates: The CAA shall develop appropriate procedures
                                              for the conduct of the training flights under supervision specified in:
                                              (1) points BFCL.315(a)(4)(ii) and BFCL.360(a)(2) of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to
                                                  Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395; and
                                              (2) points SFCL.315(a)(7)(ii) and SFCL.360(a)(2) of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to
                                                  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976.
             ARA.FCL.200(a)(1) AMC1  Remark on the licence
                                      When issuing the licence with the remark on the licence item XIII: ‘This licence is automatically
                                      validated as per the ICAO attachment to this licence’, the competent authority should provide the
                                      holder of the licence with the ICAO attachment.
             ARA.FCL.200(a)(2) AMC1  ICAO attachment
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