Page 501 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 501
Part ORA - ANNEX VII - Organisation Requirements for Aircrew
(ii) flight planning and operational procedures enable crews to avoid areas and
aerodromes/operating sites with unacceptable volcanic ash contamination;
(iii) flight crew are aware of the possible signs of entry into a volcanic ash cloud
and execute the associated procedures;
(iv) continuing airworthiness personnel are able to assess the need for, and to
execute, any necessary maintenance or other required interventions; and
(v) crews are provided with appropriate aircraft performance data when
operating to/from aerodromes/operating sites contaminated with volcanic
(3) Provision of enhanced flight watch This should ensure:
(i) close and continuous monitoring of VAA, VAR/AIREP, SIGMET, NOTAM and
ASHTAM and other relevant information, and information from crews,
concerning the volcanic ash cloud hazard;
(ii) access to plots of the affected areas from SIGMETs, NOTAMs and other
relevant information for crews; and
(iii) communication of the latest information to crews in a timely fashion.
(4) Flight planning Flexibility of the process to allow re-planning at short notice should
conditions change.
(5) Departure, destination and alternate aerodromes For the airspace to be traversed,
or the aerodromes/operating sites in use, parameters to evaluate and take account
(i) the probability of contamination;
(ii) any additional aircraft performance requirements;
(iii) required maintenance considerations;
(iv) fuel requirements for re-routeing and extended holding.
(6) Routing policy Parameters to evaluate and take account of:
(i) the shortest period in and over the forecast contaminated area;
(ii) the hazards associated with flying over the contaminated area;
(iii) drift down and emergency descent considerations;
(iv) the policy for flying below the contaminated airspace and the associated
(7) Diversion policy Parameters to evaluate and take account of:
(i) maximum allowed distance from a suitable aerodrome/operating site;
(ii) availability of aerodromes/operating sites outside the forecast contaminated
(iii) diversion policy after an volcanic ash encounter.
(8) Minimum equipment list Additional provisions in the MEL, if applicable, for
dispatching aircraft with unserviceabilities that might affect the following non-
exhaustive list of systems:
(i) air conditioning packs;
(ii) engine bleeds;
(iii) pressurisation system;
(iv) electrical power distribution system;
(v) air data system;
(vi) standby instruments;
(vii) navigation systems;
(viii) de-icing systems;
(ix) engine driven generators;
(x) auxiliary power unit (APU);
(xi) airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS);
(xii) terrain awareness warning system (TAWS);
(xiii) autoland systems;
(xiv) provision of crew oxygen;
(xv) supplemental oxygen for passengers.
(9) Standard operating procedures Crew training to ensure they are familiar with
normal and abnormal operating procedures and particularly any changes regarding
but not limited to:
(i) pre-flight planning;
(ii) in-flight monitoring of volcanic ash cloud affected areas and avoidance
(iii) diversion;
(iv) communications with ATC;
(v) in-flight monitoring of engine and systems potentially affected by volcanic ash
cloud contamination;
(vi) recognition and detection of volcanic ash clouds and reporting procedures;
(vii) in-flight indications of a volcanic ash cloud encounter;
(viii) procedures to be followed if a volcanic ash cloud is encountered;
20th November 2021 501 of 558