Page 510 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part ORA - ANNEX VII - Organisation Requirements for Aircrew

                                              when the record has been created or last amended.
                                          (c)  Paper systems should use robust material which can withstand normal handling and
                                              filing. Computer systems should have at least one backup system which should be
                                              updated within 24 hours of any new entry. Computer systems should include safeguards
                                              against the ability of unauthorised personnel to alter the data.
                                          (d)  All computer hardware used to ensure data backup should be stored in a different location
                                              from that containing the working data and in an environment that ensures they remain in
                                              good condition. When hardware or software changes take place, special care should be
                                              taken that all necessary data continues to be accessible at least through the full period
                                              specified in the relevant Subpart. In the absence of such indication, all records should be
                                              kept for a minimum period of 5 years.
             ORA.GEN.220(b) GM1      Record-keeping
                                      Microfilming or optical storage of records may be carried out at any time. The records should be as
                                      legible as the original record and remain so for the required retention period.
                     Reference        SUBPART ATO APPROVED TRAINING ORGANISATIONS
             ORA.ATO.100             Scope
                                      This Subpart establishes the requirements to be met by organisations providing training for pilot
                                      licences and associated ratings and certificates.
             ORA.ATO.100 GM1         Scope
                                      The content of this Section contains the requirements applicable to all ATOs providing training for pilot
                                      licences and the associated ratings and certificates.
                                      It is applicable to ATOs providing training for:
                                          (a)  the LAPL, PPL, SPL and BPL and the associated ratings and certificates; and
                                          (b)  the commercial pilot licence (CPL), multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) and airline transport
                                              pilot licence (ATPL) and the associated ratings and certificates.
             ORA.ATO.105             Application
                                          (a)  Applicants for the issue of a certificate as an approved training organisation (ATO) shall
                                              provide the CAA with:
                                              (1) the following information:
                                                   (i)  name and address of the training organisation;
                                                   (ii)  date of intended commencement of activity;
                                                  (iii)  personal details and qualifications of the head of training (HT), the flight
                                                      instructor(s), flight simulation training instructors and the theoretical
                                                      knowledge instructor(s);
                                                  (iv) name(s) and address(es) of the aerodromes(s) and/or operating site(s) at
                                                      which the training is to be conducted;
                                                  (v)  list of aircraft to be operated for training, including their group, class or type,
                                                      registration, owners and category of the certificate of airworthiness, if
                                                  (vi) list of flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) that the training organisation
                                                      intends to use, if applicable;
                                                  (vii)  the type of training that the training organisation wishes to provide and the
                                                      corresponding training programme; and
                                              (2) the operations and training manuals.
                                          (b)  Flight test training organisations. Notwithstanding (a)(1)(iv) and (v), training organisations
                                              providing flight test training shall only need to provide:
                                              (1) the name(s) and address(es) of the main aerodromes and/or operating site(s) at
                                                  which the training is to be conducted; and
                                              (2) a list of the types or categories of aircraft to be used for flight test training.
                                          (c)  In the case of a change to the certificate, applicants shall provide the CAA with the
                                              relevant parts of the information and documentation referred to in (a).
             ORA.ATO.105 AMC1        Application
                                      APPLICATION FORM

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