Page 464 - UK AirCrew Regulations (Consolidated) March 2022
P. 464

Part ARA - ANNEX VI - Authority Requirements for Aircrew

                                              (17) manoeuvring,
                                              (18) normal turns left and right,
                                              (19) steep turns left and right,
                                              (20) acceleration and deceleration within operational range,
                                              (21) approaching to stall in different configurations,
                                              (22) recovery from spiral dive,
                                              (23) auto flight performance (if applicable),
                                              (24) system malfunctions,
                                              (25) approach.

             ARA.FSTD.100(a)(3) GM1  Initial evaluation procedure
                                      A useful explanation of functions and subjective tests and an example of subjective test routine
                                      checklist may be found in the ‘RAeS Airplane Flight Simulator Evaluation Handbook’ Volume II
                                      (February 1995 or as amended) produced in support of ICAO Doc 9625, ‘Manual of Criteria for the
                                      Qualification of Flight Simulators’.
             ARA.FSTD.110            Issue of an FSTD qualification certificate
                                          (a)  After completion of an evaluation of the FSTD and when satisfied that the FSTD meets
                                              the applicable qualification basis in accordance with ORA.FSTD.210 and that the
                                              organisation operating it meets the applicable requirements to maintain the qualification of
                                              the FSTD in accordance with ORA.FSTD.100, the CAA shall issue the FSTD qualification
                                              certificate of unlimited duration, using the form as established in Appendix IV to this Part.
             ARA.FSTD.110 AMC1       Issue of an FSTD qualification certificate
                                      BASIC INSTRUMENT TRAINING DEVICE (BITD)
                                          (a)  The competent authority should only grant a BITD qualification for the BITD model to a
                                              BITD manufacturer following satisfactory completion of an evaluation.
                                          (b)  This qualification should be valid for all serial numbers of this model without further
                                              technical evaluation.
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