Page 521 - UK AirCrew Regulations (Consolidated) March 2022
P. 521

Part ORA - ANNEX VII - Organisation Requirements for Aircrew

                                              (1) HOW MANY of the performance indicators in the table further below relevant to that
                                                  summative assessment were observed in that competency (as a percentage);
                                              (2) HOW WELL the competency was demonstrated in the assessment; and
                                              (3) the level of success in the OUTCOME of the summative assessment.
                                          (h)  In order to satisfactorily complete an Area KSA 100 summative assessment, the student
                                              should reach at least the minimum satisfactory level in each competency covered by that
                                              assessment. In case the student fails to reach the minimum satisfactory level in each
                                              competency, the student should repeat the summative assessment or another
                                              summative assessment that covers the competency(ies) where performance was
                                              previously assessed as unsatisfactory.

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