Page 94 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 94
“The Real Heroes”
When we think about the brave soldiers who protect wife. These families endure the
our country, we often imagine their bravery and pressures and anxiety about with
commitment. But there are also important people of military life with exceptional
behind the scenes who support them every day, emotional fortitude. A large
even though they don’t always get the recognition number of them create close-knit
they deserve. These unsung heroes are the family groups to share and support each
members and support staff who help our soldiers other in difficult times. There is a
do their jobs effectively. This article will throw a family behind every soldier and Kavita Goyal,
light on these hidden heroes and the crucial roles they stand strong as they wait D/o ASI Dilip Kumar Goyal (187 BN)
GC -Jalandhar
they play. for their loved ones to return
home safely.
Families of Jawans
Spouses’ Sacrifices
The families of jawans are among such unsung
heroes who take pride in having a family member in The spouses of service members bear a significant
the armed forces. Such families provide unwavering burden of responsibilities when their partners
assistance sometimes at the cost of themselves are on active duty. There are so many things they
to their force husband/ do including housekeeping and childcare. Their
character and unwavering dedication are admirable.
Most of the spouses fit in the single mothers’ shoes
taking care of everything at home while parenting
their children alone. Also, they go to great lengths
to ensure that their partner receives the necessary
assistance and resources that they require in
the field. This devotion is crucial for the proper
functioning of the household and for allowing their