Page 23 - Npower Education booklet 2020
P. 23


           DE S IG N

            YO U R   F U T U R E

            Visual communication is the world’s only universal language. It’s everywhere we look, from the world’s first postage stamp to the
 We offer Degrees and Higher   latest app. Whether you’re interested in VR, gaming, advertising, graphic design, web, film, photography, a combination of the above
 Certificates in:  or something we haven’t even thought of yet – this is what you should be studying. The speed of technology means that anything is
            possible,  and  we  have  the  very  real  opportunity  to  shape  what  the  future  looks  and  feels  like  for  everyone  across  the  globe.

 FILM       At the Stellenbosch Academy, you are able to engage with a range of disciplines, which allows you to find your niche, play to your
            strengths and develop your potential. We place our students at the centre of our teaching, and it pays o. We are regularly named
            amongst the top creative schools in South Africa, with the local and international awards to prove it. This is not only down to the
 SOUND  Entering and navigating the   hard work and talent of our students, but also the expertise of our sta, who are handpicked from the very best in the country.

 creative media industry is   We are devoted to producing the best creative work in Africa, and if you
 daunting. We provide globally   have the same ambition – we’d love to welcome you to the Academy.

 GAMES   recognised relevant education                           HIGHER CERTIFICATE

 and skills to ensure your success                            01  IN DRAWING
 within the worldwide industry.                                  HIGHER CERTIFICATE
 Nationally Accredited,                                       02  IN COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY
 Internationally Recognised
 Programmes                                                      BACHELOR OF ARTS
                                                              03  IN VISUAL COMMUNICATION
 Global Leader in Creative                                       MAJORING IN GRAPHIC DESIGN,
 Personalised tuition from                                       PHOTOGRAPHY, ILLUSTRATION,
 Creative Professionals &   Media Education with                 ART DIRECTION & MULTIMEDIA
 47 CAMPUSES IN                                                  BACHELOR OF ARTS HONOURS

 World Class Facilities  23 COUNTRIES                         04  IN VISUAL COMMUNICATION
                                                                 MAJORING IN GRAPHIC DESIGN,
                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHY, ILLUSTRATION,
                                                                 ART DIRECTION & MULTIMEDIA

 CALL US NOW!                                                P R O GR A MME S

 CAPE TOWN  |  +27 (0)21 286 6300  |
 JOHANNESBURG  |  +27 (0)10 442 6940  |

 WWW.SAE.EDU.ZA                                             VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
 Provisionally registered with the department of Higher Education and Training until the date   TO LEARN MORE & SEE HOW YOU CAN APPLY.
 determined by the registrar as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education
 Act, 1997. Provisional registration certificate no. 2014/HE07/001.

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